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Top Australian diplomat visits Solomons to address security concern

Australia's foreign minister landed Friday in Solomon Islands to address relations frayed by the Pacific nation's cosy ties and recent security pact with China. It is the latest stop in a South Pacific travel blitz by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who is seeking to shore up regional ties against China's growing sway. It marks the first visit to the Solomons by...

Climate change: Bonn talks end in acrimony over compensation

Two weeks of climate talks in Germany have ended in acrimony between rich and poor countries over cash for climate damage. Developing countries say they are reeling from climate change caused by richer countries' emissions over hundreds of years. They hoped to get compensation onto the official agenda for discussions by world leaders in November. But in the German city of Bonn...

CHOGM 2022: Rwanda ready to welcome the world

Excitement is high in the capital Kigali as the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2022 draws closer, with just a few days left until 20 June, when the world descends on Rwanda. Neat roads, well-kept lawns and palm trees lining the streets, lighting and décor, flags and glittering venues all define the level of every preparedness. Every sign in...

The economic opportunity as Fiji recovers

Op- Ed by Rabih Yazbek Of all the economies impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Fiji was among the hardest hit. The tourism market, which accounts for about 40 percent of Fiji’s economy, was decimated as the steady influx of international travellers dried up overnight. It really feels like the country is open for business again and we are seeing proof among...

Pacific a priority as Mahuta meets Australian foreign minister

Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong said Australia has work to do “as a member of the Pacific family”. Wong met with New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta in Wellington on Thursday, as the pair reiterated the closeness of the trans-Tasman relationship. It comes a week after their Prime Ministers met and Jacinda Ardern and Anthony Albanese promised to take...

U.S Navy pledges climate support

The U.S Navy has pledged to support Pacific island nations, including Fiji, in the battle against climate change. Its civilian Head Secretary, Carlos Del Toro, said his three enduring priorities include strengthening maritime dominance, empowering people, and strengthening strategic partnerships. These priorities form the basis of a comprehensive strategy called “Climate Action 2030,” which Del Toro signed earlier this year. Secretary Del...

U.S to launch multilateral initiative to engage with Pacific islands

The United States plans to launch an initiative next week to step up engagement with the Pacific islands by working with like-minded countries, White House Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell said Thursday, amid growing concerns over China's increasing clout in the region. The initiative is intended to ensure that the United States, along with other countries including Australia, Britain, France, Japan...

Vanuatu Opposition to boycott special Parliament sitting again today

Vanuatu leader of Opposition, Ralph Regenvanu, said the Members of Parliament (MPs) from the Opposition bloc will boycott the special parliament sitting again today. “We think there are a number of amendments that are very bad for the country, and very dangerous for the parliament to be considering," he said. “We will not be turning up to Parliament in the hope...

This year’s Pacific elections marginalise and isolate too many

As 2022 national polls unfold, it is evident that a global decline in democracy is disadvantaging the most vulnerable. By Mere Nailatikau Election season is in the air. With Australia’s ballots counted, Papua New Guinea is set for its tenth national election in 2022, with voting scheduled for July; Fiji is awaiting an election that must happen before January 2023...

New Zealand and Australia agree the Pacific is now a ‘contested’ space

A grim sign for the Pacific has been issued as Australia and New Zealand made a decision following China’s security deal with the Solomon Islands. Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong visited the New Zealand capital, Wellington, on Thursday; the first stop on her third Pacific tour in just a month. She has visited five countries across the Pacific in just over...

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