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MSG Prime Minister’s Cup kicks off on 17 September

After a lapse of many years, the Melanesian Football Cup, now dubbed the MSG Prime Ministers Cup, will be held in Vanuatu from 17-30 September. The official draw for the competition was done by the chair of the MSG Leaders Group and Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Bob Loughman, in Port Vila on Thursday. Papua New Guinea, the Vanuatu National football team...

U.S Deputy Secretary of State arrives in Tonga today

U.S Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman will be in Tonga today, as part of the Pacific trip to reflect the United States' commitment to the region. Her visit started with Samoa then Tonga, Solomon Islands, Australia and New Zealand from 3-9 August. In Nuku’alofa, she will meet King Tupou VI and other senior Tongan government officials to commemorate 50-years of...

Fijian PM Bainimarama holds talks on security and regional development with U.S national security advisor

Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama held extensive discussions on security and development cooperation with the United States National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan at the White House in Washington, DC yesterday. Prime Minister Bainimarama welcomed the closer cooperation between Fiji and the United States of America. Prime Minister and Sullivan discussed strengthening the alignment between US’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Pacific’s 2050...

51 seats in Papua New Guinea election not declared yet

The Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission is running out of time, patience and legal advice. With 24 hours left for return of writs Friday, 51 seats in the National Parliament remain ‘unseated’ as counting in those electorates and provinces are yet to be concluded. The Post-Courier was advised the PNG Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai had the powers to allow for the...

Fiji President visits the Israeli President

Fijian President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere today paid a courtesy call to the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog at his residence in Tel Aviv. Expressing his pleasure at the visit, President Herzog said Fiji has always been a friend of Israel and the state visit is testament to the relationship of the two countries. President Katonivere on the other...

U.S Deputy Secretary of State to visit Samoa

Samoa is the first of five Pacific nations that a high-ranking U.S Government official will visit this week, the U.S State Department has announced. U.S Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman will travel to Samoa, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Australia, and New Zealand. “The Deputy Secretary’s travel to the region reflects the United States’ commitment to engage meaningfully with fellow Pacific nations...

Fiji Airways suspends flights to Honiara

Fiji’s national carrier, Fiji Airways is suspending flights to Honiara for the month of August. A message from Fiji Airways to its passengers says flights for the month of August have been temporarily suspended following inspection, assessment and confirmation of inadequate runway conditions at Henderson International Airport. The runway at Henderson International Airport has not been resurfaced for many years and...

Pacific discuss legal frameworks to respond to transnational crime

The Pacific Regional Law Enforcement Conference(PRLEC) this week facilitated new discussions on effective leadership, the implications of money laundering, and the legal frameworks in place to respond to transnational crime. Pacific leaders were challenged to think about how existing networks can be better utilised to build relationships and share information. Stemming out of this conversation was an emphasis on the...

Fiji PM meets with U.S vice President Kamala Harris and thanks U.S for its regional support

Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama today had the opportunity to meet with the Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris where they discussed the U.S, Fiji and Pacific engagements at the White House in Washington DC. As chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, Prime Minister Bainimarama conveyed his appreciation to Vice President Harris for her virtual engagement...

Solomon Islands Opposition Leader Wale lashes out at SIBC control

Solomon Islands Opposition Leader Matthew Wale has lashed out at the Prime Minister’s decision to remove the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) as a State Owned Enterprise (SOE). In a statement, Wale said this is yet again another scheme orchestrated by the Prime Minister to curtail activities of SIBC as the voice of the nation and people of Solomon Islands. The...

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PNG Opposition raises concern on foreign syndicates

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President Adeang backs Nauru’s switch to China

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‘Precarious’ – Newsmakers dissect state and future of Pacific journalism

If the pen is mightier than the sword, then an army of journalists has assembled in Fiji’s capital to discuss the state and future...