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Cook Islands Parliament decriminalises homosexuality

Cook Islands Parliament has repealed provisions in its Crimes Act that criminalised homosexuality. The Crimes (Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill 2023 which, among other things, aimed to decriminalise homosexuality was presented to Parliament and went through second and third reading before being passed into law on Friday. This Bill amends the Crimes Act 1969 which states men can be jailed for five...

Candidate list for Niue General Election released

At the close of nominations at midday Friday, 25 nomination forms for the 14 village seats and 17 candidates competing for the six common roll seats had been received. Broadcasting Corporation of Niue reports the Premier Dalton Tagelagi has been elected unopposed along with four other incumbents. Several new MPs will be elected to parliament with several sitting members having already...

Fiji and China relationship tested as PM Rabuka skips meeting with top Chinese diplomat

A diplomatic spat has broken out between China and Fiji after Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka skipped a meeting with a top Chinese diplomat. Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu was due to hold talks with Rabuka in Fiji after sitting down with senior Australian officials in Canberra last week. But plans for the high-level meeting were thrown into disarray after...

NZ Deputy Prime Minister lead Pacific Mission

New Zealand deputy Prime Minister and Associate Foreign Affairs (Pacific Region) Minister Carmel Sepuloni is leading a Pacific Mission to Solomon Islands, Fiji and Tonga – the first to be undertaken since COVID-19. “The Pacific region remains our Government’s foreign policy priority, and that includes continuing to strengthen Aotearoa New Zealand’s relationship with our Pacific whānau,” Sepuloni said. “The Pacific Mission...

French Polynesian voters head to the polls to cast ballots

Voting has started in French Polynesia in the first round to elect a territorial assembly for a new five-year term. The polls opened at 8am and will close until 7pm French Polynesia Time. About 200,000 voters can choose among seven lists of candidates vying for the assembly's 57 seats. A list securing at least 12.5 percent of the votes today can stand...

Considering the possible impacts of deep sea mining in the Cook Islands

In the recent Parliament opening, King’s Representative Sir Tom Masters spoke of the Cook Islands’ desire to develop a sustainable and environmentally responsible seabed minerals sector. This week, also in Parliament, Leader of the Opposition Tina Browne criticised Government for rushing ahead in regards to deep sea mining. Tina Browne said the Opposition was maintaining a very cautious approach to...

ONOC to host 43rd Annual General Assembly and Step Up Oceania Conference in Brisbane

The Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) will host their 43rd Annual General Assembly and a week-long of associated events in Brisbane, Australia, from 17 to 21 April 2023 at the Sofitel Brisbane Central Hotel. The event is jointly coordinated by the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC), as ONOC member and host National Olympic Committee (NOC). Ian Chesterman, the AOC President, said, "We...

Solomon Islands 2023 to distribute broadcasting rights to national companies

Broadcasting rights for the Solomon Islands 2023 Pacific Games are set to be distributed among member countries instead of being awarded to a single company. Pacific Games Council chief executive Andrew Minogue claims the Games' Organising Committee would produce the programmes and share it out among select broadcasters in select countries. "We have basically settled on a model that is like...

Force upset Fijiana Drua in Super W

Western Force have moved closer to an inaugural Super W finals appearance with a gritty 23-10 upset home win over defending premiers Fijiana Drua in Perth. Sunday's game at McGillivray Oval was locked at 10-10 at halftime, but the Force scored 13 unanswered points after the break. Lack of discipline proved a massive problem for Fijiana Drua, who were down to...

Marshallese foreign minister reinforces support for Taiwan, condemns ‘intimidation’

Marshall Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kitlang Kabua said Thursday that her country will continue to support Taiwan's bid to join the United Nations and other international organisations, and it “strongly condemns” any external intimidation of Taiwan that compromises regional and global peace and security. Kabua, who is leading a delegation on a visit to Taiwan 12-18 April,...

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