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FAST leader accepts Samoa Supreme Court decision

The Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi – FAST party leader, Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa has embraced the Supreme Court decision delivered Monday. Mata’afa told...

Vanuatu PM wins confidence vote

Vanuatu's prime minister Bob Loughman has defeated a motion of no confidence against him in Parliament this morning. The motion was deposited by the opposition...

Region’s COVID approach on track: Puna

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary-General Henry Puna says he has no concerns over how quickly national authorities across the Pacific are running their mass...

Rugby sevens pools announced for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

The pools for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic rugby sevens competitions have been confirmed as players, teams and fans countdown to the kick-off at Tokyo...

Samoa caretaker PM Tuilaepa says post election process is not yet complete

Samoa caretaker Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr Sailele Malielegaoi says the post election process is not yet complete, and all 51 electoral consituents of Samoa...

Legal definition of ‘ecocide’ a new milestone in efforts to criminalise environmental mass destruction

A new, much-awaited legal definition of “ecocide” has moved the world a step closer to recognising the plunder and mass destruction of nature as...

PNG Election dates approved

Papua New Guineans are expected to go to the polls to elect the 111 parliamentarians on 11 June 2022. Nominations will be received at 4pm...

We’ll resolve Samoa’s crisis using ‘Pacific way’: Puna

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna says they are using the “Pacific Way” to assist Samoa resolve its two-months-running constitutional crisis. In his...

COVID-19 Delta variant has potential to make ‘epidemic curve exponentially’

The head of the UN health agency expressed concern on Friday over the COVID-19’s delta variant, which he called “the most transmissible” mutation to...

How do we stop the plunder of the Pacific? A panel of experts give...

Over the last month, the Guardian has run a major investigative series examining the extractives industries – mining, logging, fishing and the nascent industry...

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60 days and counting – Forum SG Waqa, Tonga PM discuss PIFLM53

The upcoming regional Forum Leaders Meeting led the agenda for the first visit of Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Baron Waqa to Tonga this...

Political deadlock frustrates Bougainville’s aspirations of independence

Nearly five years after the islanders of remote Bougainville voted decisively in a referendum for independence from Papua New Guinea (PNG), local frustrations are...

Climate and humanitarian actors must work together: ECOSOC

The climate crisis and the humanitarian crisis are “two in one,” said Emeline Siale Ilolahia, Executive Director of the Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental...