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It is premature to say that SIICAC is doomed to fail

By Mose Saitala Prime Minister Danny Philip in 2011 conceived and commenced the pursuit of the fundamental reform programme. He was ousted barely 15...

ABG government position on mining reservation and exploration

The ABG Minister for Mineral and Energy Resources, Rodney Osioco, has announced that the Bougainville Government will no longer be partially lifting the existing...

Change of eligibility rules would help Tonga compete against All Blacks, says coach Toutai...

A relaxation of World Rugby's eligibility laws would help avert scenes like the All Blacks' 102-0 victory over Tonga at Mt Smart Stadium on...

Samoa Head of State defies Court order, defers Parliament to August

Samoa Head of State has defied a Supreme Court order for Parliament to convene within seven days, and instead proclaimed that the Legislative Assembly...

Samoa to send only overseas athletes to Tokyo 2020 due to COVID-19

Samoa will only send overseas athletes to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games because of concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, the country’s Government has announced. The...

Vanuatu Opposition leader conspiracy complaint filed

Vanuatu leader of Opposition, Ralph Regenvanu, has registered a complaint with the police in Port Vila on alleged conspiracy to pervert the course of...

India charter flight denied entry into PNG due to Delta mutation of COVID-19

Papua New Guinea Health Minister Jelta Wong has advised that a charter flight from India was denied entry into PNG due to concerns over...

DeepGreen the main beneficiary of Nauru’s mining trigger

Pacific Regional Civil Society groups today accused DeepGreen, a venture capitalist company, as the real beneficiary of the Nauru Government's decision to trigger the...

New generation protests Pacific’s nuclear legacy 75 years on

Seventy-five years after the U.S military began using the Marshall Islands as a nuclear testing ground, a new generation fired-up by climate activism is...

Samoa caretaker government pull country’s team from Tokyo Olympics

Samoa's caretaker government has said the country's athletes will not be competing at the Tokyo Olympics. However, the team has not been officially notified of...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

The eight Members of Vanuatu Parliament from Tafea Province have made a bold and powerful call to the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel...

Global survey reveals ‘truly astonishing’ consensus for stronger climate action

The overwhelming majority of people around the world want an end to geopolitical differences when it comes to fighting climate change, the results of...

Yap to begin canvassing votes for 31 May political status referendum

The Yap Election Commission in the Federated States of Mironesia (FSM) on Friday will begin tabulating the ballots cast during the 31 May referendum...