
Fiji Home Affairs Minister Tikoduadua labels Bainimarama’s statement treasonous

Fiji's Minister for Home Affairs has condemned the statement delivered by Opposition Leader Voreqe Bainimarama and even described it treasonous. Bainimarama in his response to...

Missed deadline raises risk of delays to loss and damage fund

Talks on a global fund for victims of climate change could be delayed after governments missed a deadline to appoint members to a committee...

Fiji President failed to protect the Constitution, claims Bainimarama

Fiji Opposition Leader Voreqe Bainimarama claims that President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere has failed to protect the 2013 Constitution. In his response to the President’s opening...

Pacific Islands Forum mission completes visit to Japan

Commitments to further engage in “intensive dialogue” and information sharing on the proposed Fukushima ALPS treated nuclear wastewater discharge into the Pacific are the...

Fiji is home to all: PM Rabuka

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says there was no consultation by the previous government prior to adopting the title ‘Fijian’ as the country’s national...

Taiwan-China factor puts Indo-Pacific region on knife edge

A U.S Air Force general has warned of the likelihood of a war with China saying: “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells...

Ropate Green Lomavatu is Fiji’s new Solicitor General

Former Magistrate and former senior lawyer, Ropate Green Lomavatu is the country’s new Solicitor General. Attorney General, Siromi Turaga confirmed that Lomavatu was appointed late...

The U.S Indo-Pacific Strategy’s weakest link

By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao In May 2022, with the launch of the “Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity,” the Biden administration sought...

Fiji to host Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders Retreat next week

The Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders Retreat will be held in Nadi, Fiji on 24 February 2023. The retreat will be preceded by a traditional...

Japan promises Pacific countries ‘transparency’ over Fukushima water dump

Japan’s government promised to provide “transparent communication” with Pacific countries before dumping treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean,...

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SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

The roadmap towards achieving resilient prosperity for small island States adopted on Thursday in Antigua and Barbuda “marks the beginning of a new journey”...

Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

As a regional group, the voice of our Pacific Small Islands Developing States resonated across the Fourth International Conference on Small Islands Developing States...

Macron’s handling of New Caledonia is not working, we need a new way

New Caledonia needs a new referendum on independence, not more politics from Paris By Jimmy Naouna The unrest that has gripped Kanaky-New Caledonia is the direct...