Fiji Speaker of Parliament directs Privileges Committee to meet; determine whether Bainimarama breached standing...

Fiji’s Speaker of Parliament Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu has directed the Privileges Committee to meet today to determine whether former Prime Minister and leader of...

Fiji Government assurance to end era of media oppression

The Fiji Coalition Government has given an assurance that it will end the era of media oppression. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said this whilst delivering...

Fiji Home Affairs Minister Tikoduadua labels Bainimarama’s statement treasonous

Fiji's Minister for Home Affairs has condemned the statement delivered by Opposition Leader Voreqe Bainimarama and even described it treasonous. Bainimarama in his response to...

Fiji President failed to protect the Constitution, claims Bainimarama

Fiji Opposition Leader Voreqe Bainimarama claims that President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere has failed to protect the 2013 Constitution. In his response to the President’s opening...

Fiji is home to all: PM Rabuka

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says there was no consultation by the previous government prior to adopting the title ‘Fijian’ as the country’s national...

People to vote for PNG PM

Papua New Guinea could be voting for a Prime Minister in 2027 if a Constitutional and Law Reform Commission (CLRC) review on the form...

Fiji’s Great Council of Chiefs to meet in May

One of the Pacific’s oldest political institutions, the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) abolished in 2012 by former Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama will...

Fiji Parliament selected Standing Orders waived, President urges government to uphold rule of law

Members of Fiji Parliament can pray in their own faith and speak in their own language if they choose to. Speaker of Parliament Ratu Naiqama...

Forum SG Henry Puna statement on the Parliamentary election of the new Fiji...

I offer my congratulations to the Hon Sitiveni Rabuka on his appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji. I also congratulate the...

Race for PNG head of state

Papua New Guinea is on the cusp of voting in our first female Governor General (GG) after nominations for the post lapsed on Tuesday...

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