Seas are coming for us in Kiribati

By Akka Rimon, PhD Student, Australian National University and Anote Tong, Distinguished Global Leader-in-Residence, University of Pennsylvania Despite the progress and momentum of the COP26...

After COP26, countries must turn climate promises into action on global shipping

A meeting of the IMO this week is the first test of translating promises made in Glasgow into bold action. The world must turn...

No women elected in Tonga: time to change the story

By ‘Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki As in 2008, 2010 and 2014, none of the female candidates standing in Tonga’s 2021 general election were successful. Out of a total...

What’s behind Kiribati’s move to open marine reserve to fishing?

By Richard Herr The Pacific Islands Forum states have made a bold claim to be the authentic custodians of the Pacific Ocean’s marine resources...

Mana Moana – Pacific Voices

Created as part of the Islands Speak series of gifted Pacific poets joined by indigenous artists to create a visual, moving, digitally enhanced offering...

World Leaders told – “We are not drowning, we are fighting”

The Pacific voice rang loud and clear when Pacific climate activist Brianna Fruean, took the stage at the opening ceremony of the World Leaders...

New USP research paper explores journalism culture in the region

What are the views of Pacific journalists on professional ethical issues and what pressures affect their work? What is the age, experience, qualifications and...

Pacific likely to experience double-dip La Niña episode

The Pacific is likely to experience a rare occurrence of what is called a double dip La Niña in the coming months, Climate models...

Nine to twelve tropical cyclones predicted for 2021/2022 cyclone season

The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) has predicted that between nine to twelve tropical cyclones could impact the the Pacific region...

Glasgow showdown: Pacific Islands demand global leaders bring action, not excuses, to UN summit

By Wesley Morgan, Researcher, Climate Council, and Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University The Pacific Islands are at the frontline of climate change....

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