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Pacific’s urgent call to climate action as crunch talks loom

Pacific island leaders have urged industrialised nations to bring plans for real action, not good intentions, to upcoming climate talks, painting a grim picture...

GCF Board accelerates climate finance ahead of COP26 meeting, approving USD$1.2 billion for new...

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board has approved 13 new projects for mitigation and adaptation action, allocating USD 1.2 billion in GCF resources for...

EU and Indo-Pacific leaders commit to enhance cooperation on climate action

Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama, the President of the Marshall Islands David Kabua and the Prime Minister of Samoa Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa exchanged views...

Pacific Political Climate Champions amplify call for urgent action

The Pacific’s collective voice, calling on world leaders to urgently implement the Paris Agreement, will have new-found mana at the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow,...

Pacific leaders push for halving of emissions by 2030 to prevent climate change catastrophe...

Pacific leaders are warning time is running out to address climate change and are urging all nations, including Australia, to halve their emissions in...

Q & A with Coral Pasisi on Climate Finance, the Science and Security concerns...

In this two-part series, BCN Journalist Esther Pavihi speaks with Senior Advisor to the Director-General of the SPC, Coral Pasisi on Climate Finance, the...

Pacific nations refuse to be the canary in the climate coal mine

Pacific Island nations are tired of reiterating their people’s suffering and applauding their resilience in the face of climate change and will demand real...

Australia must increase 2030 emissions target to help avoid ‘catastrophic’ heating, Samoan PM says

Australia needs to increase the ambition of its 2030 emissions reduction target and “come back to the climate financing table” at the looming Cop26...

New Pacific Island Tuna brand aims to net funds for climate resilience projects

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and the U.S environmental organisation the Nature Conservancy have announced a new partnership to launch a new...

Decade of climate breakdown saw 14 percent of coral reefs vanish

Between 2009 and 2018, the continuous rise in sea temperature cost the world 14 percent of its coral reefs – that’s more than the...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

Several international human rights organisations have expressed grave concern over recent discussions in Tonga's Parliament suggesting the extension of the death penalty to drug-related...

Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

The political landscape in Fiji is facing a perfect storm, with the governing coalition and the opposition party plagued by internal divisions. This has been...

AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...