PNG liquor ban for three months during election period


Papua New Guinea Police Minister William Onglo plans a three-month liquor ban to be imposed during the election period from 12 May to 29 July.

In a letter to all governors, he said the liquor ban would prevent trouble during the election.

“The impact of alcohol-related offences can trigger something bigger around the country,” he said.

“With the election it can have an impact on the running of the election and it can affect communities.

Cheap alcohol brands are alcohols that are very dangerous because it can be easily bought, it can be used as a weapon and it is available to everyone.

“During the ban, all shops will not be allowed to sell alcohol commencing next Thursday, 12 May, and all black-markets will be monitored as well to stop all sales of alcohol.

“All alcohol picked up during the ban will be destroyed and the provincial administration must take note of the shops to ensure the shops remain closed indefinitely after the election period.”

Onglo said only restaurants will be allowed to sell alcohol only if bought with food.

Police Commissioner David Manning supported the move Onglo saying that alcohol consumption tend to make a person think they are immune to anyone in authority.

“With crowds of people in town, polling booths and counting centres, anyone who causes issues while drunk can start a fight that can lead to confrontations,” Manning said.

“A fight between supporters can lead to destruction of buildings, properties, and deaths.”

Eastern Highlands, Western, East Sepik and West Sepik provinces have already announced their intention to ensure there is a liquor ban in their respective provinces.

Goroka MP and chairman of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Alcohol-Related Violence Aiye Tambua has often said that liquor ban was good, especially during the election.

“There will be total 100 per cent alcohol ban across the country, not just in a particular province or area, it brings stability to the country it is very important that we recommend this, and I totally agree with police hierarchy to have the issue raised,” Tambua said.

“The ban is not for a long time, it is during the election period for at least eight weeks and people must listen and follow directives.”.