Pacific climate warriors react to UN IPCC climate report


The Pacific Climate Warriors put forward strong reactions to Monday’s release of the UN IPCC Climate report entitled; Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change.

For 30 years the UN IPCC reports have proven beyond doubt that Climate impacts are increasingly frequent and devastating. Frontline communities, who have contributed the least to the climate crisis, are experiencing the worst impacts. We have a decreasing window of time to prevent the worst of all possible futures, but we are hopeful that by taking action we can create the change needed to solve the crisis.

Joseph Sikulu, Pacific Managing Director says,”We are in a critical stage and it is clear that current mitigation measures are not enough. What we in the Pacific know is that our very survival depends on drastically reducing carbon emissions – and the fastest way to bring us back on track for our goal of 1.5 degrees celsius is by keeping all fossil fuels in the ground. How do we end the reign of fossil fuels? Turn off their money tap. We are asking that global leaders and financial institutions stop financing fossil fuels, and start funding just, community-led solutions to this crisis.”

Alisi Rabukawaqa, Pacific Climate Warrior says,“This recent mitigation report tells us that we have a small window to act, but it’s still a chance. The report stresses that decarbonisation relies mainly on quitting our use of fossil fuels. Our homes, our cultures, our descendants are all depending on this. While the world debates over scientific reports, the Pacific continues to live through devastating climate impacts. But we can shape what the future looks like for the Pacific if those most responsible for the climate crisis step up, phase down and phase out fossil fuels immediately.”….PACNEWS