Vailima Gold latest to join Samoa Breweries products


    Samoa Breweries introduced its newest addition to the Vailima beer family, Vailima Gold on Saturday.

    Vailima Gold is a low carb, full flavour lager beer with an alcoholic strength of 4.1 percent

    “This beer has been months in the making and our Vailima Brewing Team have worked tirelessly to perfect its brewing processes to achieve a true low carb beer that has a full body of flavour,” said Samoa Breweries media statement.

    “Our market research identified that there was a gap in the market and provided Vailima with the opportunity to create a Low Carb beer to suit a new emerging demographic of drinking profiles.”

    Samoa Breweries General Manager, Brent Adams said, “We are extremely proud to launch Vailima Gold in Samoa, and to do it during our Oktoberfest event is an opportunity to taste and enjoy this new beer. We believe that its low carb characteristics will appeals to a wide range of drinkers. This beer is not only for the health conscious but for those who want to drink responsibly. It caters to all and we’re really excited to be the first real low carb beer in Samoa.”

    Initially, Vailima Gold will be available only in draught, while the 355ml glass bottle offering will become available for sale and consumption in November.

    Vailima Gold in draught is available to buy at The Edge Marina bar, Taumesina Hideaway, Taumeasina Island Resort, Birdie’s Bar, Lava Hotel, Hotel Millenia, On The Rocks Bar, Tee-20 Bar and RSA Nightclub.