No jab, no job – Solomon Islands approves mandatory vaccination


The Solomon Islands Government has approved a mandatory vaccination to all Public servants, State-Owned Enterprises, and the Private employees undertaking frontline work.

Cabinet approved the mandatory vaccination last Friday, 30 July 2021.

The Minister of Health and Medical Service Dr Culwick Togamana made the announcement during his COVID-19 national address to the nation Monday.

Minister Togamana said any employee under these three categories who refuses to take the first COVID-19 jab by 31 August will not be allowed to access their place of employment.

“The Cabinet has approved the mandatory administration of COVID-19 vaccines for all public servants, State-Owned Enterprises, and the Private employees undertaking frontline works like shipping agents and airlines.”

“All employees under the above three categories will have 60 days to get their first dose of vaccine. If they chose not to take their vaccine by this period they will not be allowed to access their place of employment; and if they still chose not to take the vaccine by the closing date of the period, 30 November, they have chosen to self-terminate their employment.”

He said this also goes out to all employees under these three categories in the provinces.

Solomon Islands Cabinet set a national vaccination target coverage to 80 percent by November 2021.