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Community awareness and consultation on the Freedom of Speech and Opinion

Community awareness consultation on freedom of speech and opinion in Samoa
The Office of the Ombudsman also the National Human Rights Institution of Samoa in collaboration with the Samoa Police and Prisons Service and the Office of the Regulator are spearheading efforts to raise community awareness in selected villages regarding the exercise of the freedom of speech and opinion and its limitations and to promote the safe use of technology...

Pacific Journalists learn and share knowledge on Whistleblowing

Fiji journalists at the PACJN webinar on Whistleblowing
The Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) in collaboration with the United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project (UNPRAC) and UNDP have embarked on an eight month project to build the skills and capacity of journalists to report on corruption in the Pacific. Beginning in March, PINA and UNPRAC have jointly organised two knowledge sharing webinars on Anti-Money Laundering and Whistleblowing for...

Mapping digital rights in MENA: towards a safer online environment

This statement was originally published on 7amleh.org on 10 March 2021. The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media in cooperation with Innovation for Change Middle East and North Africa (I4C MENA) released new research entitled “Mapping Digital Rights in the Middle East and North Africa Region”. This mapping was designed to analyze digital rights in Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco,...

The journalists fighting election disinformation

This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 11 March 2021. By Rebecca Redelmeier/CPJ Audience Engagement Associate With multiple federal investigations underway into the January 6 Capitol riot, concerns still abound about the spread of disinformation around the U.S. election. But the U.S. is not alone in confronting the phenomenon. Disinformation is happening all over the world – especially during...

Pacific Way(s) and regionalism

by Tarcisius Kabutaulaka The tumultuous dispute over the selection of the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), which led to Micronesian countries deciding to withdraw from the premier regional organisation, provides an opportunity to re-examine the idea and vision of Pacific regionalism and the concept of the “Pacific Way”. The Micronesian countries argue that according to an unwritten convention,...

PM Sogavare leads by example – and gets the first COVID-19 vaccine

PM Manasseh Sogavare
Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare was the first in line to be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine in Honiara, Wednesday, 24 March 2020. https://twitter.com/ginakekea/status/1374541645098541059?s=20 He becomes the first Pacific leader to take the first jab - as a show of political leadership in light of opposition to the AstraZeneca vaccination programme, rolled out in two Pacific Island Countries. Fiji is the...

Oceania sport sector set to benefit from milestone ONOC-SPC partnership

A partnership agreement signed today between the Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) and the Pacific Community (SPC) has set the stage for the Pacific’s sporting sector to strengthen career pathways, technical expertise and administration skills across the region. The Memorandum of Understanding commits ONOC’s Oceania Sport Education Programme (OSEP) to accredit its courses against the Pacific Qualifications Framework (PQF). The...

Attorney General attacks “Samoa Observer”

The International Federation of Journalists expresses solidarity with journalists and their sources in Samoa who are being subject to legal threats and investigations that seek to prevent them from reporting on the truth. This statement was originally published on ifj.org on 16 March 2021. The Office of the Attorney General of Samoa threatened the Samoa Observer with a legal investigation...

Owner of online news site receives threat

Nigerian authorities are being encouraged to investigate a threat received by Haruna Mohammed Salisu, the owner of "WikkiTimes". This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 23 March 2021. Nigerian authorities should thoroughly investigate the threatening message received by journalist Haruna Mohammed Salisu and ensure his safety, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On March 13, at about 9 a.m., Salisu,...

PM Sogavare gets first COVI-19 jab as Solomon Islands starts vaccine rollout

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare was the first in line to get the jab as Solomon Islands started its COVID-19 vaccine rollout today. “Well first 15 minutes and I am over the moon. I feel good as there is no side effect. I just feel so normal,” PM Sogavare told SIBC Prime Minister Sogavare said the war against COVID-19 is...

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