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Oceania 7s coming to PNG!

With no other major sporting event earmarked for the Nation’s Capital for this year, the refurbished Sir Hubert Murray Stadium, the home of the PNG Rugby Union looks set to offer a fantastic alternative in partnership with Oceania Rugby to stage a double dose of international rugby with the Oceania Men’s and Women’s Sevens and the Oceania Men’s 15s...

Pacific must be central to UN biodiversity treaty Pacific must be central to UN biodiversity treaty

By Pasifika Environews Staff As negotiations on the United Nation’s Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBJN) Treaty nears conclusion, experts say the needs and interests of Pacific Island countries, who are custodians of 20 percent of the world’s exclusive economic zone, must be considered. The treaty aims to address issues on marine genetic resources and questions on access and benefit sharing,...

Fiji PM welcomes U.S President signing new climate law

Fijian Prime Minister and Pacific Islands Forum Chair Voreqe Bainimarama has welcomed U.S President Joe Biden signing Democrats’ landmark climate change bill into law on Tuesday. The legislation includes the most substantial federal investment in history to fight climate change — some US$375 billion over the decade. “President @JoeBiden's new climate law is the USA's most important show of solidarity to...

Kiribati to host 19th Regional Fisheries Forum Meeting

Kiribati Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resource Development says mutual trust, respect, genuineness and commitment with overseas investments are contributing to the huge economic development of Kiribati in terms of employment opportunities, diversification of income generation to our local fishermen and accessing international markets. Ribanataake Tiwau made the statement at the official opening of Kiritimati Island Fish Limited (KIFL) new...

Commonwealth statement on the attempted deportation and arbitrary detention of High Court Judge David Lambourne

The Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (CMJA),Commonwealth Lawyers Association(CLA) and Commonwealth Legal Education Association(CLEA) are deeply concerned about the attempted deportation from Kiribati and current arbitrary detention of High Court Judge David Lambourne, following the withdrawal of the Attorney General’s appeal against the decision of the High Court in the constitutional claim brought by Judge Lambourne in November 2021. The...

Pacific needs climate security, not army bases: Vanuatu Finance Minister Koanapo

The Pacific region needs human climate security, not submarines, warships or army bases, said Vanuatu Minister of Finance, Johnny Koanapo. While lives and livelihoods are under threat in the Pacific due to climate change, trillions are being mobilised globally for militarisation, he stressed. “It is critical that the Pacific scales up sustainable climate finance to build our collective resilience and recovery....

Vanuatu snap election will require VT100 million budget

The cost of a snap election, similar to a Vanuatu general election is over VT100 million (approximately over US$860,000). Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Edward Kaltamat, who disclosed the above said at present there is no budget for a snap election. Chairman Kaltamat said recently they spent over VT7 million (US$60,00) for the Presidential election, but this was budgeted for. They are...

Strong support for Pacific 2050 at FEMM 2022 development partner roundtable

Forum Economic Ministers have met with regional development partners in Vanuatu to call for greater financing and partnership to implement the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, Pacific Resilience Facility, and other regional economic priorities. In a FEMM 2022 roundtable event on 12 August, chaired by Vanuatu’s Minister for Finance and Economic Management, the Honourable Johnny Koanapo Rasou, partners...

Australia reaffirms support in addressing plastic pollution in the Pacific

The Pacific has a friend in Australia when it comes to addressing plastic pollution. That was the message delivered at the opening of the Pacific Regional Preparatory Workshop for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastics Resolution by Paul Wilson, Chargé d’Affaires for the Australian High Commission in Suva, Fiji. The Government of Australia has partnered with the Secretariat of the Pacific...

‘Don’t dissolve Parliament’: Vanuatu Opposition

The 27 Members of Parliament (MPs) who are signatories to both a request for Parliament to meet in extraordinary session and a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, have asked the President of Vanuatu, Nikenike Vurobaravu, not to dissolve the Parliament. In their letter dated 14 August, 2022, the MPs urged the President not to dissolve the Parliament,...

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