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Writ can be issued any day: Fiji’s Election Supervisor

The writ for Fiji's 2022 General Election can be issued any time from today onwards. This is according to Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem as the national voter registration drive comes to an end last Saturday. Saneem said over 55, 700 Fijians have registered during the national voter registration drive that started in August, raising the total to 560,000 registrations nationwide. “The...

U.S Treaty led to the recognition of sovereign rights

The U.S Treaty between Pacific Island nations and the United States has been the platform for collective collaboration and partnership in which assistance and funding are channeled to the region. Minister for Fisheries Semi Koroilavesau says the increase to US$60 million represents a jump of 153.8 percent, which will generate a total of US$600 million during the term of the...

Kiribati drought at critical stage says UN body

Fears of malnutrition and other illnesses are mounting in Kiribati as the country grapples with an ongoing drought. The Kiribati government in June declared a state of disaster after the discovery of high salinity levels in monitoring wells and very low rainfall. Head of UNICEF in Kiribati, Nick Rice Chudeau, said the drought can lead to poor health and hygiene practices...

U.S looking to lock in Pacific with New Economic Framework

By Adam Wolfenden Campaigner, Pacific Network on Globalisation This Week Trade Ministers from eleven countries will meet with the view to launch negotiations for an Indo-Pacific economic agreement. This agreement, the Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) is being spearheaded by the United States and includes the participation of Australia, New Zealand, India, Malaysia, among others and from the Pacific...

U.S President Biden to host Pacific Island Summit with wary eye on China

The White House announced Friday that President Joe Biden will host Pacific Island leaders in Washington later this month amid growing worries by the United States and Western allies about China's activity in the region. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement the meetings on 28-29 September “will demonstrate the United States’ deep and enduring partnership with Pacific Island...

Pacific Islands Forum ongoing efforts to re-engage with Kiribati

Fijian Prime Minister and Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum Voreqe Bainimarama assured Forum Leaders are committed to a dialogue with the Government of Kiribati to explore options for closer diplomatic engagement between Kiribati and the Forum. “On behalf of Forum Leaders, let me reaffirm that the people and Government of Kiribati will always be integral members of the Blue...

Vanuatu Government’s future still in limbo

The constitutional case to decide whether or not there will be an early election will not be decided for another week. At Friday’s hearing before Chief Justice Vincent Lunabek, the counsel for the Opposition cited a litany of articles supporting the proposed motion of no confidence that was thwarted by the dissolution of Parliament. The Solicitor General representing the State told...

Solomon Islands PM Manasseh Sogavare fast-tracks bill to amend constitution and delay elections

The Solomon Islands opposition has accused Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare of trying to “bulldoze” his contentious bill to delay next year's elections through parliament. Sogavare wants to amend the country's constitution to extend parliament until after it hosts the Pacific Games in November 2023, arguing that Solomon Islands cannot afford to hold both major events in the same year. But the...

Papua New Guinea PM takes out advert urging journalists to stop calling him direct

-The Papua New Guinean prime minister’s office has taken out a full page advertisement in the country’s two major newspapers urging journalists to stop calling and texting him directly. “This circular is to advise all members of the media fraternity, both national and international, that the Prime Minister James Marape MP will no longer accept direct press enquiries from the...

Post-arrival tests removed as entry requirement to Fiji

Fiji has removed covid-19 tests on arrival as entry requirement to the country, beginning Monday. Over the past six weeks, Fiji’s health system has continued to provide community-wide protection through a widespread immunisation campaign, which has led to a persistent decrease in COVID-19 cases. Taking into account our high levels of community-wide vaccine protection, the expansion in vaccination coverage to children,...

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