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UNGA77 must be a milestone for loss and damage response finance: AOSIS

During the ongoing 77th UN General Assembly (UNGA), it is imperative that governments show their leadership in the fight against the climate crisis by calling for the advancement of loss and damage response finance at this year’s pivotal UN climate negotiations, COP27. This issue is of critical importance for people of Small Island Developing States represented by the Alliance of...

‘Time to move on’ as Marshalls drops three-year state of health disaster

The Marshall Islands has ended over three years of a State of Health Disaster and opened its borders to normal travel as of this week. The Marshall Islands has ended over three years of a State of Health Disaster and opened its borders to normal travel as of this week. Photo: Marshall Islands Journal. The Marshall Islands has lifted its state...

Washington should focus on climate change for Pacific islands- leaders

Washington should accept Pacific island priorities for the region, making climate change - not superpower competition - the most urgent security task, the region's leaders said in Hawaii, ahead of a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden this month. “The sentiment shared by Pacific island leaders is that they are hopeful that they would be able to work with the...

Pacific Elders call on ‘big brother’ Australia to take lead on climate change

Former Pacific leaders have called on Australia to take the lead on climate change in the region, saying their "future is at stake" unless more action is taken. Anote Tong and Thomas Esang Remengesau Jr., former presidents of Kiribati and Palau respectively, are in Australia to discuss the country's climate policies with government, opposition and crossbench members. Representing the independent group...

Kiribati Government hits out again at judiciary

The Government of Kiribati says it will soon have an acting chief justice in place, following the suspension of Chief Justice Bill Hastings. Currently Kiribati has no judges above the magistrate level after the government also suspended three Court of Appeal judges, who had upheld a decision by Chief Justice Hastings over the government's attempt to remove and deport High...

Shuttle diplomacy to the queen’s funeral an opportunity for Australia and the Pacific

By Richard Herr The state funeral of a respected international leader is always a solemn event but inevitably also an occasion for an impromptu summit. Certainly, a wide range of issues including the war in Ukraine, the global energy crisis and post-pandemic economic recovery will be discussed by world leaders outside the official proceedings of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. While...

David Fifita named in powerful Tonga squad ahead of World Cup

Gold Coast Titans star David Fifita has been named in a powerful Mate Ma'a Tonga squad ahead of the upcoming World Cup in England. Tonga coach Kristian Woolf has chosen 38 players in an extended squad and faces a difficult task to trim the number to 24 before the tournament, with Fifita one of the new faces yet to represent...

Fijian 7s heroes score cash rewards

Fiji 7s heroes have been given cash rewards for their victory at the World Cup in Cape Town South Africa. This has been confirmed by Fiji Rugby Union Chair, Humphrey Tawake who said the money has already been deposited in each players account. “Really grateful for government for coming on board to provide cash rewards for the players and the management....

Anger as company gets go ahead to mine on seafloor

Deep Sea mining could begin in the Pacific as early as this month, after regulators decided to allow The Metals Company to start mining the seafloor. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) has granted permission to Nauru Oceans Resources, a subsidiary of The Metals Company, to begin exploratory mining in the Clarion Clipperton Zone between Hawaii and Mexico. According to the Financial...

Elected PNG MP and Member for Wewak, Kevin Isifu dies

An elected Member of the PNG Parliament and Member for Wewak Kevin Eziro Isifu has died early this morning in Port Moresby. Isifu was elected for the second term as Wewak MP in the 2022 National Election, under the United Resources Party banner. NBC News was informed that Isifu died after developing complications from colon cancer. Isifu entered the 10th National Parliament...

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