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Penny Wong visit to Kiribati, Fiji and attend Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders’ retreat

-Australian foreign Minister Penny Wong will travel to Kiribati this week on her first visit as Foreign Minister, and Fiji, where she will represent Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders’ retreat. “In Kiribati I will meet with President Taneti Maamau and cabinet ministers. “Earlier this month I was honoured to welcome President Maamau to Adelaide. In...

EU commends PM Rabuka for his leadership – support for Fiji reaffirmed

The European Union (EU) has commended our Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitiveni Rabuka for his exemplary leadership towards Fiji's national development and the Pacific's solidarity. The EU's strong support was conveyed to PM Rabuka during an introductory courtesy call received Monday by the Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific, Sujiro...

PNG Government seeks solutions to PNG’s fuel crisis

-Papua New Guinea acting Prime Minister John Rosso has assured Papua New Guineans, residents and businesses that a short term arrangement has been reached between Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) and PUMA to continue supplying fuel while work is being done to address regulatory requirements of BPNG. He clarifies that the issue between BPNG and PUMA is not shortage...

PIF SG statement on the resumed fifth session Intergovernmental Conference on the BBNJ process

By Henry Puna, Forum Secretary General & Pacific Ocean Commissioner As our Pacific Forum Leaders gather this week for their Special Retreat in Nadi, Fiji, their leading officials and Oceans negotiators from our Blue Pacific region will be joining the rest of the world at the UN Headquarters in New York. They are there to conclude negotiations for a treaty...

Why has a Canadian company partnered with the tiny island of Nauru to fast-track deep-sea mining?

By Joanna Chiu Brown-black discharge gushed out of a pipe from a hulking ship, dispersing murky clouds of sediment into the international waters of the Pacific Ocean. The scene, captured in a video that’s garnered international attention, turned a spotlight to a controversial Canadian company that is poised to become the first in the world to extract critical metals from...

Why the world needs a deal to protect its oceans

By Jack Graham Delegates from up to 193 UN member states resume talks in New York on Monday in an effort to wrap up negotiations on a long-awaited treaty to protect the world's oceans from overfishing, pollution and other threats. The high seas - areas lying beyond countries' exclusive economic zones - make up nearly two-thirds of the world's oceans,...

Fijian Drua confirm signing of ‘sledgehammer’ Eroni Sau

The Fijian Drua have confirmed the signing of cult hero and damaging winger Eroni Sau. 'The Sledgehammer' returns to the Drua after playing a key role in their NRC title campaign in 2018. The 33-year-old will join the Drua this week from French ProD2 side Provence on a one-year deal. “This is a homecoming of sorts for Eroni, who is very highly...

Pacific leaders arrive in Fiji, PNG PM PM travels to Suva for bilateral meet

Pacific Islands Forum Heads of States have started to arrive in Fiji Monday. The leaders will be in the country for the Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders Retreat that will be held from 24 - 25, February in Nadi. Arriving into the Nadi International Airport today was President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands David Kabua and the Premier of...

China names special envoy to Pacific Islands amid growing rivalry with U.S

China has named a special envoy to fill a new role in its Pacific Islands diplomacy as it competes with the United States for influence in the region. Qian Bo, former China’s ambassador to Fiji since 2018, was appointed as the first special envoy of the Chinese government on Pacific Islands affairs, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin announced last Wednesday. Wang...

Palau wants to be host country for Pacific Ocean Commissioner

Palau will be the site of a proposed Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner if the Micronesian group’s demand from the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is granted. The leaders of Palau, Kiribati, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia, and Republic of the Marshall Islands were in Pohnpei to hold the Micronesian President Summit retreat and in the same meeting, the leaders...

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