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Argentina celebrate successful gold hunt at HSBC Canada Sevens

Argentina were celebrating a second successive Canada Sevens title after beating France in a thrilling, end-to-end final at BC Place. Victorious Argentina captain Matthias Osadczuk said he was, “very happy for the team” after his squad had beaten France after finishing in the medal places last week in Los Angeles. He made special mention of those players who could not made...

Appointment of Baron Waqa to PIF leadership subject to ‘more review and considerations’, says FSM president

The president of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has defended Micronesian leaders' controversial choice for head of the Pacific Islands Forum, but said more scrutiny was needed before a final choice was made. Former Nauruan president Baron Waqa — who has a controversial record on human rights and press freedom — has been selected to lead the Pacific Islands...

Back-to-back cyclones in Vanuatu – Stories of survival emerge

People in Vanuatu remain optimistic about their future after two destructive cyclones in two days left parts of the Pacific nation in ruins. Authorities are yet to determine the full scale of the damages caused by the back-to-back severe tropical cyclones Judy and Kevin. But those who had to endure the worst of the natural disasters last week believe demonstrating resilience...

High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN

It has been almost two decades in the making but on Saturday night in New York, after days of gruelling round-the-clock talks, UN member states finally agreed on a treaty to protect the high seas. A full day after the deadline for talks had officially passed, the conference president, Rena Lee of Singapore, took to the floor of room two...

PNG Fisheries Minister Wong opposes discharge of nukewater into the Pacific Ocean

Papua New Guinea’s Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources, Jelta Wong, has called on Japan to cancel plans to dump more than one million tonnes of radioactive waste water into the Pacific Ocean from the disabled Fukushima nuclear power plant. He said the risks to the lives of Pacific Islanders, and to the health of the consumers of fish and...

Fiji on high alert over Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear-contaminated wastewater

Fiji's Acting Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica said on Friday that Fiji has been on very high alert after Japan planned to discharge the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Kamikamica said a question that has been asked is if the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) treated water is so safe, why not re-use it in Japan for alternative purposes,...

NZ sending cyclone relief to Vanuatu

New Zealand is sending humanitarian supplies to Vanuatu after the nation was hit by two cyclones within days of each other. Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced the departure of a Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130 Hercules from Whenuapai, carrying water containers, temporary shelter kits and family hygiene packages. “Cyclones Judy and Kevin damaged homes, livelihoods, infrastructure and caused the...

HMAS Canberra deployed to Vanuatu

The Australian Government has deployed HMAS Canberra following a request from the Government of Vanuatu. The 230-metre long Landing Helicopter Dock has completed loading equipment, stores and personnel and sail from its homeport of Sydney to Vanuatu to provide support to the country following Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin. The Ship and more than 600 ADF personnel will bring a versatile...

Nauru inducted as Micronesia Islands Forum’s newest member

Nauru has been inducted to the Micronesian Islands Forum (MIF) during the February meeting of the region’s leaders. On 16 February, 2023, the Republic of Palau motioned, and the State of Chuuk seconded, the Republic of Nauru’s induction in the MIF. After consultation with his parliament. According to the MIF’s communique, Nauru President Russ Kun, President of the Republic of Nauru,...

Australian businesses and Pacific workers set to benefit from new support for skills training

Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy, has announced reforms to make skills training more accessible, flexible and affordable for Pacific Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme workers and their Australian employers. The changes will ensure that more Australian businesses can access funding to train PALM scheme workers and support employers to partner with training organisations to develop courses...

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SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

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Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

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Macron’s handling of New Caledonia is not working, we need a new way

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