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Mining’s new frontier: Pacific nations caught in the rush for deep-sea riches

Miners are pushing hard to extract metals from the ocean floor, but there is mounting concern about what it might do to the marine...

New head of fractured Pacific Forum stresses unity

The new Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum says he will champion solidarity and unity within the pre-eminent regional grouping. At his first press conference...

Fiji records highest daily total of 279 COVID-19 cases and reports four deaths

Fiji has reported its highest daily total of positive COVID-19 infections with 279 cases reported Wednesday. The ministry has also reported four deaths attributed to...

COVID-19 Fiji: Infections total 279 today; highest daily total in current outbreak with four...

Fiji has reported its highest daily total of positive COVID-19 infections as of 8am today with 279 cases reported this evening. Ministry of Health and...

Churches warn against misuse of theology to prevent Covid-19 vaccination and protocols

- Pacific churches have called on Christian leaders not to take advantage of the COVID-19 situation in Fiji to manipulate Christians and proselytize. In a...

Cook Islands to consider proof of Covid-19 vaccination

Proof of Covid-19 vaccination from countries with “rampant” cases of the virus are a future consideration, says Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown. “Our travel...

Civil unrest and political instability threaten Fiji as COVID-19 outbreak takes hold

As Fiji's COVID-19 outbreak continues to devastate the country's economy, there are mounting fears the crisis could spark social unrest in the small Pacific...

Disruptions to global shipping: regional impacts

Written by Rachel Richardson, Rob Hitchins Global attention focused on shipping in March, as container ship Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal, disrupting movements...

Another death reported, Fiji records 126 new cases of COVID-19

Fiji has recorded another three-digit figure of positive COVID-19 cases – a total of 126 and a death of a man Monday. Health Ministry permanent...

Monday 21 June 2021 PACNEWS First Edition

- FIJI: ‘No jab against will’ : Fiji Employers can make vaccination mandatory for certain work – Apted
- FIJI: COVID-19 claims another life; 115 new cases reported in Fiji
- VAN: Controversial legal case in Vanuatu nearly complete
- PNG: PNG cabinet told $1.2b UBS loan was illegal
- CKI: Selling Cook Islands to Kiwis
- FIJI: Fijian Media Association agrees way forward
- B/VILLE: Bougainville independence: Pressure for PNG agreement builds

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‘We can control our destiny:’ Micronesia Islands Forum 2024 concludes

The Micronesia Islands Forum (MIF) 2024 concluded Tuesday with leaders committing to unity to navigate the complex issues facing the region. Following two days of...

U.S eases restriction on U.S territories’ membership in Pacific Islands Forum

The U.S government has agreed to allow U.S territories to join the Pacific Islands Forum(PIF) as non-voting associate members, modifying an old policy that...

Palau vice president endorses U.S territories’ membership in Pacific Island Forum

Palau Vice President Uduch Sengebau Senior called for an “enhanced organisational structure” and the inclusion of the American Pacific island territories in the larger...