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More women at the Pacific Meteorological Council tables

Ten years ago, at the Second Pacific Meteorological Council there was one woman at the head of the table representing her national Met Service. At the Sixth Pacific Met Council Wednesday there are six women at the table propelled by the saying – “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” The World Meteorological Organisation has cemented actions to...

NOAA awards US$50 million contract for Pacific tuna and swordfish observer programme

NOAA Fisheries has awarded FLOAT Partners a five-year, USD$50 million) contract to oversee efforts to put observers on commercial fishing vessels in the Pacific Islands. Under the contract, which is set to begin 01 September and continue into 2028, Hawaii, USA-based FLOAT will recruit, supervise, and outfit fisheries observers as part of the Pacific Islands Region Observer Programme (PIROP). The programme...

SPREP and Solomon Islands sign agreement for Greening of 2023 Pacific Games

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Government of Solomon Islands have signed a letter of agreement (LOA) for the Greening of the 2023 Pacific Games initiative. The support delivered through the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) underlies the partnership and collaboration between SPREP and the Solomon Islands Government. The signing between the Director General of SPREP,...

World Cup final rematches headline end of year Pacific Championships

The Kangaroos will host Toa Samoa and the Jillaroos will play the Kiwi Ferns in re-matches of last year’s World Cup finals to kick off a new Pacific Championships involving men’s and women’s teams from seven nations. The Australian Rugby League Commission announced details of the Pacific Championships to be played in 2023 and 2024, with Australia, New Zealand and...

Flying Fijians Coaches conducted a clinic followed by a welcome ceremony in Pornic

Flying Fijians Coaches Wednesday conducted a short coaching clinic at the team’s training ground in Pornic While the Flying Fijians were on a day off from training, the coaches were invited to attend a coaching clinic that had around 60 kids from Rugby Club Pornic and Rc Trignqc Rugby Club. It was a scene of excitement in the kids as their...

PICAN urges Fiji to work with Forum leaders on Japanese nuclear dumping plan

By Sanjeshni Kumar Fiji has come under scrutiny from the Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) for endorsing Japan’s decision to discharge over one million tonnes of treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean despite the fact that the Pacific Islands Forum has commissioned an independent panel of scientific experts. Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says he is satisfied with...

U.S stands ready to support Fiji Government, No villains and heroes in geopolitics: Fiji deputy PM Prasad

The United States has reaffirmed support for the Peoples’ Coalition Government’s development priorities to enhance democracy, boost economic growth, improve food security, empower women and youth; and enhance access to water, health and education. This was conveyed to Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka during a courtesy call from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power. In appreciation...

MSG Leaders’ Summit next week in Vanuatu

The 22nd Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Leaders’ Summit will be held in Port Vila next week. The MSG leaders summit was postponed last month. The 22nd MSG Leaders’ Summit is scheduled for 22-23 August, 2023 in Port Vila. The application for United Liberation Movement for West Papua (UMLWP) as a full member of MSG is expected to be on the agenda at...

Rainbow Warrior sails Pacific seeking evidence for World Court climate case

By Sera Sefeti International environmental campaign group Greenpeace’s flagship Rainbow Warrior is currently sailing across the Pacific, calling at ports and collecting evidence to present to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) — the World Court — during a historic hearing in The Hague next year. Rainbow Warrior staff and crew will be joined by Pasifika activists sailing across the...

USAID open new regional mission in Fiji for nine Pacific Island nations

By Rowena Acraman The new USAID Pacific Islands Mission was opened in Suva Tuesday at a ceremony organised at the United States Embassy. It was opened by former U.S diplomat and USAID Administrator, Samantha Power who also inaugurated Zema Semunegus as the mission’s Director. Administrator Power emphasised the new USAID office will help enhance digital connectivity and cybersecurity, support Fiji in...

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New Pacific Islands Forum leader calls on island nations to strengthen bond

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New Caledonia: FLNKS congress postponed due to differences

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