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Climate change impacts increase in South-West Pacific

Weather-related disasters and climate change impacts are unravelling the fabric of society in the South-West Pacific. Sea level rise threatens the future of low-lying islands whilst increasing ocean heat and acidification harms vital and vulnerable marine ecosystems, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The State of the Climate in the South-West Pacific 2022 report provides...

Gaps in progress and time is not on our side, Tonga PM tells SIDS meeting

Tonga is hosting the Regional Preparatory Meeting of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS), that opened this week. About 70 international delgates are gathered to prepare for the 4th International Conference on SIDS, to be held in May next year. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) include low-lying coastal countries that share similar sustainable development challenges, including small population, limited resources,...

Spotlight on role of development partners, donors to help Pacific address impact of triple planetary crisis

The role of development partners and donors in strengthening the ability of Pacific communities to absorb the devastating blows of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity, and pollution has been highlighted at the first Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC) Development Partners and Donors Engagement Meeting (DPDEM-1). Opened on the heels of the Sixth Pacific Met Council Meeting (PMC-6) which...

Vanuatu opposition boycott parliament after failed bid to remove prime minister

Vanuatu’s opposition party boycotted parliament on Thursday and said it would lodge a court challenge to the defeat the previous day of its bid to remove Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau. Kalsakau narrowly survived a no-confidence motion on Wednesday, with the opposition falling one vote short of the 27 needed to unseat him after criticising his government for signing a security...

Deep Sea Mining: A Story of Caution and Liability

By Rowena Acraman Tonga’s move to consider deep sea mining (DSM) has been described by Pacific Islands Association of NGOs executive director, Siale Ilolahia as a “story of liability” for the people of Tonga and remains a diverging issue. Ilolahia, stood as an esteemed speaker at the recent Forum Economics Ministers Meeting (FEMM)public seminar held 09 August at the University of...

A boost to the Pacific’s internet connectivity

In a bid to improve connectivity and invest in modern and resilient ICT infrastructure, the Fiji Government has commenced on 5G testing and is aware of the criticality of 5G networks and its importance for emerging technologies across Fiji’s economies. This was highlighted by the deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communications, Manoa Kamikamica at the launch of the USAID’s...

U.S funding sparks Pacific rift

The US$60 million economic assistance promised by the United States for Pacific countries is proving to be a headache, with Fisheries Minister Kalaveti Ravu revealing that discussions surrounding the allocation of these funds have caused a rift among member countries. Speaking during the Special Fisheries Forum Council (FFC) Ministerial meeting at the Pearl Resort Wednesday, Ravu said some members of...

Vinaya Habosi and Levani Botia start as Flying Fijian coach Raiwalui names squad for French test match

Flying Fijians robust winger Vinaya Habosi has made his cut into the run-on team as Head Coach Simon Raiwalui named a powerful match day 23-member squad for the match against France this weekend. Habosi missed the last three test matches due to an injury he suffered during his club game with Racing 92 and he last featured for the Flying...

Lam and Sopoaga to start against Barbarians

Lima Sopoaga and Ben Lam make their Manu Samoa debut when they take on the Barbarians in the early hours of Saturday morning. Manu Samoa Head coach Vaovasamanaia Seilala Mapusua has named Melani Matavao to pair with Sopoaga as the halfback and flyhalf combination. This is also Matavao’s first start for Manu Samoa this year. Jordon Lay, Seilala Lam and captain...

Corruption is the enemy of progress, growth and economic development: Forum SG

By Pita Ligaiula As geopolitical competition intensifies all around us, addressing corruption is more important now than ever, says Forum Secretary General Henry Puna. “We should be working towards upholding good governance principles that keep decision-makers, like me, accountable and transparent in our actions. “We want institutions that ensure that decisions are made in support of our national and collective interests and...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

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