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International Day of Clean Energy: Shining a light on the need for access to renewable energy for all

By Munkhtuya Altangerel - Resident Representative, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji Amidst the turbulence of global conflicts and economic uncertainty, one thing is clear: the current energy paradigm is unsustainable. Our dependence on fossil fuels is not only exacerbating climate change, but also leaving many countries vulnerable to potential price shocks and geopolitical instability. As we enter 2024, the time for...

Draws finalised for OFC Men’s Nations Cup 2024 and qualifying tournament

The draws for the OFC Men’s Nations Cup 2024 – Qualifying and OFC Men’s Nations Cup 2024 have been held at the OFC Home of Football – Te Kahu o Kiwa, in Auckland, New Zealand. The Qualifying tournament will be hosted in Tonga from 20-26 March and the OFC Men’s Nations Cup 2024 will be held in Vanuatu from 15-30...

Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala appointed WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Executive Board Tuesday confirmed the appointment of Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala of Tonga as its Regional Director for the Western Pacific. Following his confirmation, Dr Piukala addressed the Executive Board: “Today, I stand before you as the first Regional Director from the Pacific in WHO’s history. The enormity of this task is not lost on...

Hilda Heine inaugurated as Marshall Islands president

Marshall Islands president Hilda Heine has been inaugurated in Majuro in the presence of dignitaries from across Micronesia. President Heine was re-elected on 27 December last year for a second term as the nation's 10th president. She was elected in the Nitijela (Parliament) by an absolute minimum majority of 17 votes to 16 in the 33-seat chamber. She becomes one of only...

Palau ratifies UN Ocean Treaty

Palau on Monday became the first nation to officially ratify the UN Ocean Treaty. “As the first country to officially ratify the UN Ocean Treaty, Palau has jumped into the lead in the race to ratification," said Laura Meller, project leader of Greenpeace’s Protect the Oceans campaign. "They’ve already shown leadership in opposing deep-sea mining in the Pacific Ocean and have...

Coalition will resolve its issues: Prasad

Fiji’s deputy Prime Minister Professor Biman Prasad says the Prime Minister, has certain powers, and the government is not operating as a different party but as a coalition. Prasad made this comment when asked about the recent developments in the coalition government with the dismissal of Aseri Radrodro. The Deputy PM said contrary to all the rumours, the coalition government is...

VAR a game changer for OFC

Plans to introduce Video Assistant Referees (VAR) into OFC competitions have taken a significant step forward this week in Auckland. Under the guidance of Lewis Watterson from Hawk-Eye, five local operators have been getting VAR training at the OFC Home of Football – Te Kahu o Kiwa. “I’m here for the week taking the guys through how to set up in...

Minister Radrodro apologises for action, seeks reinstatement

Fiji’s sacked education minister, Aseri Radrodro has apologised to the Prime Minister and people of Fiji – for what he termed as a ‘miscommunications involving all the parties involved.’ “I requested humbly that my termination as the Minister of Education in the Coalition Government be rescinded, and this matter be noted as a miscommunication from various parties involved, Radrodro pleaded...

Dismissal of Fiji’s education minister threatens unity of the ruling coalition government

The coalition government in Fiji is embroiled in a tussle for power – as Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka announced Friday to remove Aseri Radrodro from cabinet, as minister for education – for insubordination and disobedience. Radrodro is from the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA), the junior party in the three-way ruling government in Fiji. His party is now calling on PM...

PM restructures Cabinet

In response to the infamous events in Port Moresby last Wednesday, Prime Minister James Marape said he would be initiating a restructure of the Cabinet. And that reshuffle has now occurred. “The issues concerning the economy and the functionality of key state agencies, including Treasury, Finance, and Planning, have been heard loud and clear,” said Prime Minister Marape. “We will examine the...

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