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PNG senior alternate director at ADB is a strong advocate for Pacific Developing Member States (PMDCs)

Papua New Guinea’s seconded alternate director at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Damien Horiambe is using the opportunity to not only raise issues for his country and the countries it represents on the Board but also strongly advocate for the Pacific Developing Member Countries (PMDCs). Horiambe is based at the ABD Manila headquarters – serving in the office of the...

U.S Pacific security deal with Marshall Islands at risk over Nuclear payments description

The United States struck security agreements last week with Pacific Island nations seen as a key part of U.S plans to counter China’s territorial expansion. But after three years of negotiations, one of those Pacific nations — the Marshall Islands — still has not reached a deal with Washington. A member of the U.S negotiating team blames the State Department’s legal...

Pacific Island summit at White House ‘collaborative’: U.S official

Senior U.S officials said on Friday that a White House summit with a dozen Pacific Islands leaders last week was successful, and that Washington was listening to the region, not asking countries to choose between the U.S and China. U.S President Joe Biden met the Pacific Island leaders for a second summit in just over a year last Monday, pledging...

Pacific countries endorse Guiding Framework for Invasive Species Management

Invasive species are a threat to Pacific communities, they are destructive to native biodiversity and the natural environment and have major socio-economic impacts on communities and national development. Considered “the most significant driver of population declines and species extinctions in island ecosystems worldwide”, invasive species cause extensive economic loss and compromise human health. To curb the devastating impact of invasive...

Springboks beat feisty Tonga 49-18 as they await knockout fate

Defending champions South Africa scored seven tries and moved a step closer to the Rugby World Cup quarter-finals with a bruising 49-18 victory over impressive Tonga in their Pool B clash on Sunday. Many of the 60,387 in the crowd were rooting for the Pacific Islanders, but while Tonga put on a brave showing, South Africa fed off their errors...

‘Thankful’ Fiji edge Georgia 17 – 12 to push Australia toward Rugby World Cup exit

Anxious and error-prone Fiji fought back to beat fading Georgia 17-12 on Saturday and remain on course for the World Cup quarter-finals, pushing Australia to the brink of elimination. Fiji scored two second-half tries as they rebounded from a nine-point half-time deficit to tighten their grip on second place in Group C, but their failure to collect a bonus point...

Marshall Islands set to renew security compact with U.S

The Marshall Islands is expected to soon enter into a renewed economic and security cooperation agreement with the U.S, a boon for American efforts to counter growing Chinese influence in the Pacific. The U.S provides economic and security assistance to the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau under a series of agreements called the Compacts of Free Association. The U.S and...

Pacific-led Regionalism Undermined

By Dame Meg Taylor, Non-Resident Distinguished fellow for the Blue Pacific, Asia Society Policy Institute Today’s geopolitical circumstance, defined by the rivalry between the United States and China, has redefined the dynamics of regional and global orders. This reality is palpable in the Pacific region, where the strategic interests of major powers and their allies intersect and undermine our own aspirations...

Cook Islands warned to be wary of being ‘star-struck’ under global spotlight

Geopolitical expert Geoffrey Miller has warned Cook Islands will need to be wary of the potential to be ‘star-struck’ by the attention being bestowed upon it by the world’s superpowers. Miller made the comment as Prime Minister Mark Brown met with United States President Joe Biden in Washington this week and confirmed closer ties between the nations through formal diplomatic...

Historic consultation marks milestone for Melanesian communities in Fiji

In a historic milestone for Melanesian communities in Fiji, the “First-ever consultation on the formalisation of Melanesian settlements in Fiji” took place Thursday, sparking deep emotions and gratitude. Descendants of Melanesians brought to Fiji in the 1800s via the blackbirding system expressed their long-felt sense of neglect despite their vital contributions to Fiji's development. An emotional Paterisio Nunu couldn’t hold back...

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Climate change and protection of the Pacific Ocean important to the region: Tongan diplomat

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