SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

The roadmap towards achieving resilient prosperity for small island States adopted on Thursday in Antigua and Barbuda “marks the beginning of a new journey”...

Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

As a regional group, the voice of our Pacific Small Islands Developing States resonated across the Fourth International Conference on Small Islands Developing States...

Cook Islands calls for countries on the frontlines of climate change to have national...

Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown has called for countries on the frontlines of climate change to have their national debt forgiven. Stressed during a...

Data-Driven Solutions: Key to overcoming challenges in Small Island States

Empowering decisions through data, was a sentiment echoed by many at the Fourth International Conference of Small Island Developing States currently being held in...

Weather Ready Pacific, a Pacific-led solution for Pacific Islands resilience designed by us, for...

The Weather Ready Pacific Programme of Investment, a landmark Pacific Island solution for Pacific Islands challenges to resiliency was magnified at the Fourth International...

More climate funding needed to ‘transition from rhetoric to decisive action’

Climate action taken so far to help fund efforts in cash-strapped small island developing States (SIDS) “does not measure up to what has been...

Pacific Islands Forum calls for global support at SIDS4 Conference

Head of delegation for the Pacific Islands Forum, Sione Tekiteki has addressed the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States(SIDS4) in Antigua and...

Crucial conversations on Climate, Health and Education on the margins of SIDS4

Health is a powerful and compelling argument for climate action. We need to build coherence and foster collaboration across partners and donors alike to...

“The ABAS has been charted, we must act now” – Tuvalu PM at SIDS4

As Tuvalu battles sea level rise, the greatest threat to its survival, the island nation also faces great challenges in achieving the Sustainable Development...

Leadership by Small Islands Developing States magnified by the Cook Islands at SIDS4

Taking the floor, Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown shone the spotlight on Pacific Island led solutions for climate change challenges faced by SIDS,...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

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