Pacific communities urged to stay alert as we enter second half of cyclone season

The Pacific Meteorological Desk at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in Samoa continues to remind Pacific communities to stay vigilant,...

USAID Propels Expansion of Digital Coverage across the Blue Pacific

The U.S government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is supporting Pacific Island Countries to build an equipped workforce to improve...

Pacific faces new battle: plastic addiction

It’s a familiar story. While Pacific negotiators recently emerged disappointed but resolute over the result of the climate change negotiations in Dubai, they are also...

The great global land grab

While the world’s biggest polluters dominate the headlines this week at the UN climate summit with an array of sensationalist pledges and announcements, designed...

Can COP28 save 1.5 Celsius global warming target and give the Blue Pacific a...

Opinion piece by former Fiji's Ambassador to the UN, Satyendra Prasad at COP28 in Dubai COP 28 has entered its crucial business end - where...

Bezos Earth Fund pledges US$100 million to support Pacific Islands’ Initiative to create the...

At COP28, Pacific Islands State Leaders launched a bold new Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity initiative to safeguard and revitalise the Blue Pacific Continent. The Bezos...

Commonwealth unveils framework to help Pacific countries implement Living Lands Charter

A new implementation framework was launched Monday to facilitate coordinated action among the 56 Commonwealth countries, including Pacific member states, on land, biodiversity and...

How Does Solomon Islands Become the Worst Country in the Pacific with the Help...

An Opinion by Grace Ramo Solomon Islands is now caught in the vortex stirred by superpowers both in and outside the region. Dominant countries, like...

2023 shatters climate records, with major impacts

The World Meteorological Organisation(WMO) provisional State of the Global Climate report confirms that 2023 is set to be the warmest year on record. Data...

Joint Statement of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European...

The 27 Member States of the European Union and the 79 Members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) States reaffirm...

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