
Pacific collective oppose Japanese Government utility company’s plans to dump radioactive waste in the...

The Pacific Collective on Nuclear Issues (the Collective) representing Pacific civil society organisations (CSOs) strongly opposes the plans of the Japanese Government and the...

How the Glasgow dialogue can deliver finance for victims of the climate crisis?

It is important to seize this opportunity to get dedicated support for people on the front lines of climate impacts, urgently and based on...

A plea to make widespread environmental damage an International Crime takes Centre stage at...

By Katie Surma The campaign to make ecocide an international crime took center stage in the Hague on Tuesday as Bangladesh, Samoa and Vanuatu...

2022 Tide Prediction Calendars released; a new calendar for Ebeye-Marshall Islands

Tide Prediction Calendars for 24 Pacific locations were distributed last week to National Meteorological Services and ocean stakeholders around the region to assist in...

Vanuatu CSOs demand National Parliament to officially declare a climate emergency for Vanuatu

The disappointing outcomes of COP26 have shown the lack of political will from world leaders to address climate change at the global level says...

UN rights forum’s action on climate and COVID-19 vaccines shows its relevance, says President...

After one of the busiest years in the history of the Human Rights Council, President and Fijian diplomat Ambassador Nashat Shameem Khan insisted on...

Fiji urges supports for PIF declaration on maritime boundaries and sea level rise

The United Nations Members States are urged to support the large Oceanic States within the Blue Pacific Continent, which have a profound connection to...

Pacific elders urge Fiji PM to demand Australia for greater climate commitments

Former Pacific Island nations leaders said Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama to demand from Australia, in his capacity as the chair of the Pacific...

La Niña just raised sea levels in the western Pacific by up to 20cm....

By Shayne McGregor Severe coastal flooding inundated islands and atolls across the western equatorial Pacific last week, with widespread damage to buildings and food...

COP26 defined by ‘reinvigorated multilateralism’

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), held last month in Glasgow, was defined by a “reinvigorated multilateralism”, a top UN official said on Tuesday...

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Pacific Island nations vote against UN resolution on Israel’s occupation

Seven Pacific Island nations - Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, and Tuvalu were among the 14 countries...

NZ votes for Middle East resolution at UN

New Zealand has voted for a United Nations resolution on Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian Territory with some caveats, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. “New...

Niue champions community of practise to strengthen Pacific countries’ access to climate finance

Niue is taking the lead to build a community of practice for National Designated Authorities (NDAs) from Pacific countries to share, learn from each...