Vanuatu PM Salwai urges citizens to vote tomorrow

Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai is urging all eligible citizens to exercise their constitutional rights by participating in the national Referendum and voting Wednesday. Salwai...

‘The right person’: What did Solomon Islanders vote for?

After a relatively well-organised and peaceful day of voting in Solomon Islands, the electoral commission is working with donor partners to safely transport ballot...

Perhaps the numbers aren’t looking so good for Sogavare in the Solomons

By Terence Wood Who will emerge as prime minister from Wednesday’s elections in Solomon Islands? The prime minister doesn’t shape policy in Solomons as...

Pacific nation hosts its biggest-ever election day

Ballots are due to be cast in one of the Pacific’s largest elections as Solomon Islanders, from the city to remote villages, choose their...

Voters must re-register to participate in the 2026 general elections

With Parliaments’ approval, all eligible voters under law including Samoa’s diaspora must register or re-register to vote in the next general elections. And the Office...

Samoa, Vanuatu lead Forum Observer team to 2024 Solomon Islands Joint Election

At the invitation of the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission, the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) has deployed an election observer mission to the Solomon Islands...

Solomon Islands goes to the polls. Here’s what to expect

By Anouk Ride Solomon Islanders are set to vote on 17 April in an election that has significance within and beyond the country’s borders. It...

Solomon Islands declares public holiday on Election day, liqour ban

Solomon Islands Government had declared Wednesday 17 April 2024 as a public holiday for the conduct of national, provincial and Honiara City Council elections. The...

Solomon Islands: Democracy on the ballot

Next week, voters will determine not only political leadership but the future of democratic processes. By Meg Keen, Oliver Nobetau With a week to go before...

Solomon Islands election 2024: Polling day workers cast votes

The first votes of the 2024 Solomon Islands joint elections have been cast in Honiara on Friday. The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) said pre-polling...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

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