Kiribati Government condemns Court of Appeal’s action


The Kiribati Government has expressed its gravest concerns by the action of the Court of Appeal and those who continue to aid and abet David Lambourne in his unconstitutional attempt to seek a life-time appointment.

It is also unbecoming for members of the noble judiciary to continue with the action to purposefully create a life-time appointment within the Judiciary, when no such custom or practice ever existed, and no such power is specifically granted to the judiciary in the Constitution.

A report from the Office of the President said that it is even more appalling that the Court of Appeal continues to sit and preside over a case that has been withdrawn and continues to force its will against that of the people of Kiribati.

This demonstrates the bias nature of these hearings and the length at which the Court of Appeal is prepared to undertake to protect their own interest which is against the greater interest of the people of Kiribati.

The Government is concerned that if this life-time appointment is allowed to go without correction, then there would be no way of protecting the people of Kiribati from such dishonest practices from these foreign actors.

In an unexpected and urgent Court of Appeal hearing held on Friday 12 August, the court ruled to forbid David Lambourne from the High Court Office until next hearing.

This demonstrates that the Court of Appeal judges are fully aware that David Lambourne has been working, which means that the deportation order issued by the Immigration Office on these grounds is legal.