The produce and catch of the hardworking farmers and fishers of Samoa will be on display at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) this year.

That was confirmed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Co-Chair CHOGM Sub-Committee Catering Seuseu Dr Joseph Tauati during the CHOGM preparations Press Conference update held last week.

According to Seuseu this is a side event organised by his Ministry to showcase the initial harvest of farmers and fishers.

An opportunity to reflect on their tremendous contribution to the daily subsistence of Samoa’s economy and people.

He said this was a special highlight and is made possible by the support of international partners, the private sector and government employees.

Seuseu expressed his appreciation to the farmers and fishers; those working hard towards the preparation and contribution of crops and vegetables that will be made available to provide supplies at the CHOGM.

According to the CEO this support will go a long way in ensuring the success of food preparations and supplies for the meeting next month.

He acknowledged the tremendous challenges faced by farmers and fishers with the impacts of climate change however this has not stopped them from working hard and with honesty to make a contribution towards CHOGM.

The events are scheduled to happen within the week of CHOGM says Seuseu on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st October 2024.

The showcases and venues follows;

• Vaimauga #1 and #2 – initial harvest will be held at the Fugalei Market

• Vaimauga # 3 and #4 – initial harvest will be showcased at Mulivai Marist Brothers Primary School
• Faleata #1 and #2 – initial harvest is scheduled to happen at Lepea

• Faleata #3 ma # 4 – initial harvest organised to take place at Vaitele next to Farmer Joes Supermarket.

Meanwhile, an exciting side event not an official part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting or event has been confirmed to take place in the week of the meeting.

A Business Village where local businesses will showcase their goods, products and services.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Samoa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lita Lui confirmed during the CHOGM Press Conference last Thursday where Co-Chairs of Sub-Committees organising events and preparations for meeting gave updates on progress status.

Lui is Co-Chair of Catering and the Commonwealth Business Forum.

“In addition but not as part of official CHOGM event we are happy to report also open through the Samoa Business hub opportunities to host a business village.”

And this business village says Ms Lui will be open over 5 days of the CHOGM week.

The village is organised to be set up at the Maluafou College grounds from 22nd until the 26th of October.

And because it is not part of the official program of CHOGM accreditations will not be required she said.

Open to the public the village she says is a great opportunity for local businesses who cannot attend or participate at the meeting to have their goods and products on showcase or displayed.

Lui says this is also a great way for the business community taking part to utilise the opportunity for side business and earn extra as part of their support to the Government for hosting CHOGM this year.

The Samoa Business Hub (SBH) was formerly known as SBEC and operates under the mandate of providing assistance to all businesses in Samoa with the exception of multinationals with its main target being small enterprises.

Its slogan is, “Your Business Growth is Our Priority”.