Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna has highlighted the 2050 Strategy and its implementation plan as the collective vision of the Blue Pacific at the Smaller Island States (SIS) officials meeting today in Suva.

“Your meeting today is a valuable opportunity for you to discuss how you wish to position the SIS Grouping moving forward, recognising the evolving regional processes that are ongoing as well as the imminent review of the regional architecture.

“If there is one thing, I am sure of, and based on my experience, I would offer this reflection:

“The 2050 Strategy and the 2050 Implementation Plan are our guiding documents as a region, moving forward.

We should all direct our collective efforts towards this vision,” said Puna.

“The question is whether there is a way to integrate the recognition of the unique vulnerabilities of the SIS in the means of implementation?

“If so, what would this look like?

I urge you all to be frank and constructive in your exchanges today,” said Puna.

He said the the region and indeed the SIS, has come through a range of complex challenges in the last 5 years.

“We have survived a pandemic, we have grappled with high levels of economic uncertainty, we continue to weather the intensity of climate change, we have withstood some of the most sensitive political challenges and through it all – we have worked together as a Forum Family to develop a long-term vision through the 2050 Strategy of the Blue Pacific Continent.

“Now, we cast our efforts and resources behind the development of the 2050 Strategy Implementation and Monitoring Plan which will guide our collective efforts towards the achievement of our Leaders vision.

“It has been some time since this grouping has met and I urge you to utilise this opportunity,” said SG Puna.

The meeting is chaired by Cook Islands.