OACPS must move beyond donor recipient relations with partners: Samoa PM Mata’afa


By Pita Ligaiula in Luanda, Angola

Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa has told the 79 member states of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), securing strategic partnerships is vital to a resilient OACPS.

Addressing the 10th Summit of the Head of State and Government Friday in Angola’s capital Luanda on behalf of the Pacific, PM Mata’afa said respective countries which are already vulnerable have been harshly subjected to the multiple global crises, that are multi-dimensional and complex in their scope and nature.

“We are faced with a plethora of challenges that often require collective solutions. As the ACP family we are weathering unprecedented times, that calls for unity, solidarity and strengthened institutions. Four decades ago, we came together convinced that united, we are stronger. Not only to address our common challenges, but to realise our economic potential and make an impact on the international agenda.

“We also embraced effective, inclusive and durable partnerships, with shared values and goals that contribute to better the lives of our peoples,” PM Mata’afa told the ACP Summit.

Mata’afa said as they gathered for the Summit it is timely for them to look back and reflect on how they can build back better a resilient and sustainable OACPS, in the face of a climate emergency.

“The struggles of COVID19 recovery, global food and energy crises, rising debt, and growing inequalities to name a few. The overlay of geopolitical competition further magnifies and complicates matters, particularly so in our Blue Pacific continent.

“We hold great potential in championing our own development pathways including through strengthening existing partnerships and pursuing new ones. We must look at intra-OACPS, south-south and triangular cooperation.

“We must also move beyond donor recipient relations with our partners.

“Focus should be for genuine and durable partnerships that are sustainable, and where we sit as equals,” she said.

The leaders summit will end on Saturday.