Princess Eugenie visit Pacific booth in Lisbon


By Pita Ligaiula in Lisbon

A member of the British Royal family- Princess Eugenie the youngest daughter of Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York visited the Pacific booth Friday on the margins of the United Nations Oceans Conference (UNOC) in Lisbon.

She is the granddaughter of the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II.

Princess Eugenie offered to take the children’s book on ocean ‘Our Sea of IsIands, Our Blue Pacific’ and share it.

“I would love to come to Fiji,” she said when in a conversation with Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner(OPOC)’s official Mereseini Marau, who welcomed her to the booth.

“Thank you for the books, I will share it,” said the Princess.

OPOC also gave movie star and ocean activist Jason Momoa two books for his children.

The Aquaman actor, who has worked with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii and rePurpose Global, has long championed the rights of people of island nations, described how growing up on one of the world’s most beautiful archipelagos ingrained in him a reverence for the ocean and nature that has only deepened over the years.

The Pacific booth has been very popular during the weeklong conference.

Visitors to the booth included the President of Palau Surangel Whipps Jnr, ministers, diplomats, delegates and important ocean actors.

The exhibition aims to raise awareness of the importance of the ocean and inspire greater ocean knowledge and conservation during the pivotal UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (the Ocean Decade).

There are 60 ocean exhibitors from around including the Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner.

Other exhibitors include National Geography, Sustainable Ocean Alliance, BlueBio Alliance.

The Pacific booth is shared by OPOC and the United Nations.

The UN has a virtual reality showing Fiji and the impacts of climate change.

The theme for this exhibition is One Sustainable Forum.