Niue continues relations with China


Niue’s Premier Dalton Tagelagi spoke with State Councillor and Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi as part of a meeting of Ministers of Foreign affairs from across the Pacific region.

Premier of Niue, Tagelagi said in his presentation to Foreign Minister Wang Yi that the people of Niue have enjoyed a close friendship with the Peoples Republic of China since 2007 and will celebrate 15 years of diplomatic relations on 12 December 2022.

“China has made positive contributions towards Niue’s prosperity, and we consider our close relationship with China important with our mutual interests and mutual respect. I am pleased that our relationship continues to grow. I wish to thank the Chinese government for its investment and support for Niue’s current and future well-being and prosperity, especially during the COVID Pandemic,” said Premier Tagelagi.

Premier Tagelagi said that Niue is looking forward to continuing to talk with and work closely with China as the world begins to open up again to trade and tourism.

“We will continue to progress our close relationship and friendship with China to further advance bilateral relations and achieve common development and prosperity. Joint initiatives with China, such as roading and other strategic development and investment opportunities, will ultimately improve the quality of life for everyone in Niue and are part of Niue’s key aspiration toward self-sufficiency. China has heard Niue’s call, and we are very grateful for that.”

In addition, Premier Tagelagi also observed that China is investing in common development and prosperity for the region, which Niue supports in principle as part of a strategic partnership with the Pacific Islands Countries.

“Niue is considering the 5-year action plan with Pacific nations and notes that it is a strategic document for a strategic partnership with the Pacific Islands Countries that covers regional strategic interests under the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. We would like time to consider how the arrangement with China will support existing regional plans to ensure that our priorities are aligned and will be beneficial for all of us for regional prosperity. I am confident that Niue’s officials will work together to ensure that the final document will reflect our shared vision,” he said.