Sinai: PNG Common roll ready next month


Papua New Guinea Electoral commissioner Simon Sinai says the data for the common roll is being processed and will be available next month.

“Polling will be held as scheduled on 25 June.

“Writs will be issued on April 28 and nomination is on 05 May,” he added.

“For this (general election 2022), we have a shorter period of time with many things to do before polling.

“The ballot papers arrived last week from Australia and the security and logistics team will dispatch to provinces along with other election materials, including the indelible ink donated by India and expected to arrive this week.

“We officially got the documents signed, signifying that the ballot papers are now officially given to Papua New Guinea.

“The logistics and security team are now ready to dispatch to each province,” he added.

Following negative rumours by the public regarding the electoral roll update, Sinai said: “We are maintaining the 2017-2019 common roll of registered voters.

“The law requires us to update it, so we are currently updating and its almost complete and done by this week.

“The majority of provinces have completed their data.

“We are confident of issuing the electoral writs on 28 April.

“We have a total funding of K100 million (US$28 million) to ensure a successful run for the general election,” he added.

“We aim to uphold electoral integrity.

“We will also have a queue for women to cast their ballot,” Sinai said.