Samoa stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, condemns Russia’s invasion


Samoa has voted in support of Ukraine in the 11th Emergency session of the UN General Assembly Wednesday.

Samoa’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Fatumanava-o-Upolu III Dr Pa’olelei Luteru also condemned “Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine.”

“Samoa is greatly concerned by the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Such action is a clear violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and inconsistent with the principles laid out in Article 2 of the UN Charter,” he said.

“We condemn Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, “Fatumanava stated.

“Samoa strongly advocates for peace and urge all actors involved to focus their efforts on ensuring an immediate cessation of hostilities; Protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure; Refrain from actions that may further escalate the dangerous and delicate situation in Ukraine; Cease all military operations and return to the barracks and prioritize diplomacy to diffuse tension.

“The current call by both Ukraine and Russia for peace talks is therefore most welcome,” said Fatumanava.

“We join the chorus of call by other delegations on Russia to respect the founding principle of the UN Charter.

“Samoa strongly supports the statement made by the Secretary General last week and Tuesday.

“Samoa maybe a small state, but it is our moral obligation to speak up and to be counted; for the principle upon which we have all subscribed to.

“Let us all give peace a chance and support the UN draft resolution.

“Samoa will co-sponsor and vote Yes,” Fatumanava concluded.