PCRIC enhances its footprint through new website


    In the lead-up to the upcoming COP26, the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC), has strategically launched its website to serve both as a major tool for ongoing awareness and information while also acting as an impactful instrument to maximise its tactical agenda at this prestigious event.

    PCRIC is a dedicated regional provider of specialist disaster risk finance services, based in the Cook Islands and established by the Pacific Finance Ministers during the 2015 Forum Economic Ministers Meeting.

    The company is funded by Germany, UK, USA and Japan via the World Bank to provide immediate relief financing to PICs post-disasters thus saving lives and swiftly returning people and businesses to normal.

    The website provides a wealth of information to build knowledge surrounding disaster risk finance and insurance in the region. It also marks a clear line of evolution as PCRIC completes its metamorphosis from infrastructure, product and service development to a more vibrant and proactive position as a leading regional support mechanism for disaster risk management and resilience.

    PCRIC’s CEO, ‘Aholotu Palu, said “the web launch has helped integrate PCRIC into the regional coordination architecture aimed at creating political willingness and building national capacity. I encourage everyone to visit https://pcric.org/ to explore the website and learn more about our work in the Pacific region.”

    The impressive website features a deep array of content devoted towards offering a comprehensive view of the finance-related challenges and disaster risk management solutions within the Pacific region. It best accomplishes this by breaking down and simplifying complex, layered problems, processes and technical modeling into easy-to-understand language and concepts for stakeholders, beneficiaries and especially for the general public at all levels to readily grasp.

    “It was extremely important that every single one of our touchpoints from Finance Ministers, donor and support agencies, to national disaster organisations and all the way to the general

    citizenry of every Pacific Island nation, be able to easily access and clearly comprehend the information they need,” Palu explained.

    He continued, “We have some genuinely innovative plans to drive traffic to the site as we approach and participate at COP26 and we’re excited to utilise the full capacity of our burgeoning online presence.”

    The PCRIC website was designed and developed by Webmedia South Pacific, an advertising, technical and communications-based consulting company in Suva, Fiji. The agency is currently contracted by PCRIC as both a Website (IT) developer and Marketing & Communications Firm.