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Sol2023 marks ‘One Year To Go’ with business community

Members of the business community were part of the Sol2023 Pacific Games Organizing Committee’s (GOC) series of events over the weekend to mark one year to go before the opening ceremony of the 17th Pacific Games here in Honiara on 19 November 2023. This was during a Business After 5 networking with the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry...

Vanuatu climate court action gathers wave of support

A campaign by the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu for the world's top court to take a stance on protecting people from climate change gained momentum on Friday, winning the support of almost half the nearly 200 countries at a global summit. In total 86 countries, including core nations that had already backing the initiative, on Friday gave their...

Frequent travellers from Samoa to soon bypass NZ visa requirements

1News can reveal the New Zealand Government will soon allow frequent travellers from Samoa to bypass visa requirements when visiting Immigration Minister Michael Wood confirmed he hoped to have the change signed off within the next couple of months. “I wouldn't expect that it's going to be something that takes us a long time,” he said. It would cover those travelling often,...

COP27 closes with deal on loss and damage: ‘A step towards justice’, says UN chief

After days of intense negotiations that stretched into early Sunday morning in Sharm el-Sheikh, countries at the latest UN Climate Change Conference, COP27, reached agreement on an outcome that established a funding mechanism to compensate vulnerable nations for ‘loss and damage’ from climate-induced disasters. “This COP has taken an important step towards justice. I welcome the decision to establish a...

Frontline nations overcome odds to ensure climate justice isn’t lost or damaged at COP27

As the gavel comes down at COP27, countries on the frontlines of the climate crisis including Pacific Island nations have compelled world leaders to take a step forward on climate justice by establishing a loss and damage finance facility, Greenpeace Australia Pacific says. The COP27 final decision text does not see any improved commitments to phase out all fossil fuels...

Commonwealth Secretary-General welcomes historic outcome on loss and damage at COP27

Following two weeks of extensive negotiations at the UN Climate Change Conference COP27, nearly 200 countries have agreed on a set of key outcomes, including the establishment of a fund to address loss and damage due to climate change. Welcoming the developments, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland,stated:“I welcome this historic outcome from the COP27 summit and applaud the tireless negotiators...

Australia aims to host 2026 UN climate summit

Australia hopes to host the 2026 COP summit, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Saturday, seeking to overhaul his country's reputation for foot-dragging on climate change. “It is a good opportunity, I believe, for Australia to show and to host what is a major global event,” Albanese said during a visit to Bangkok. Centre-left Albanese was swept to power this year on...

No safe place’: Kiribati seeks donors to raise islands from encroaching seas

Developing countries vulnerable to the worst ravages of global heating have spent the past week at United Nations climate talks urging more support from wealthy nations. The Pacific state of Kiribati has a very specific and unusual demand – that its islands be physically raised up to escape the encroaching seas. The plan to dig up huge clumps of sand and...

Postal voters urged to apply on time: Fiji Supervisor of Elections

The Fijian Elections Office is concerned with the amount of postal voter applications received so far. Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem said they expected around 23,000 applications from registered voters, however, they have received only 4,303. Saneem has flagged that there is a potential for low turnout in the postal voting because people have not applied. “Now how does this get resolved,...

WTO, Pacific Islands Forum affirm cooperation for work on fisheries subsidies and key issue

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) on 18 November affirmed continuing cooperation on fisheries subsidies and other key issues. WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, meeting with Pacific Islands ministers in Nadi, Fiji, lauded the group's advocacy on and stewardship of the ocean and climate. To reaffirm longstanding cooperation between the two organisations, the WTO and the...

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Fiji and Palau Presidents holds bilateral talks with Ukrainian President

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U.S Marines’ transfer to Guam from Okinawa to start in December

The transfer of U.S Marine Corps troops stationed in Japan's Okinawa to Guam will start in December, a Marines official said Sunday, the latest...