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Experts warn of U.S ‘weaponising’ Pacific Island countries as Washington declares progress on defence treaty with PNG

The U.S is weaponising the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and trying to set up an anti-China front to serve America's adventurism, experts warned on Monday, following the U.S announcement that it has made “substantial progress” with Papua New Guinea (PNG) on the text of a defence cooperation agreement (DCA). Experts said allowing a U.S military presence in the area is...

Government to look into overstayer petition, NZ PM says

The New Zealand Government says it will look at an overstayer petition launched by Pacific community leaders and migrant groups three years ago. The groups are proposing Prime Minister Chris Hipkins first offer an amnesty for overstayers under compassionate grounds and residence for temporary workers. Tongan community leader Pakilau Manase Lua says the infamous 1970s Dawn Raids – an immigration crackdown...

Oceania Customs Organisation appoints first female head of secretariat

The Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) has appointed Nancy Tati Oraka- Pomoso to be its Head of Secretariat, who becomes the first female and Papua New Guinean to lead the organisation in its 24-year history. Oraka replaces Richard Brennan and comes with over 23 years of service in PNG’s public service and a few years in the private sector. “We had a...

PNG-Australia on bilateral Security Treaty talks

Papua New Guinea and Australia will go into discussions finalising the Bilateral Security Treaty between the two countries this week when they meet for the official Ministerial forum in Canberra. Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko said it would be an encompassing arrangement on the bilateral treaty which will benefit both PNG and Australia. Full details of the treaty between the two...

Fiji Government assurance to end era of media oppression

The Fiji Coalition Government has given an assurance that it will end the era of media oppression. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said this whilst delivering his maiden speech in Parliament Monday. “I have made it clear that the Government is totally committed to allowing the people freedom of the press, allowing the nation, freedom of the press. That will include the...

Fiji Election office no longer has confidence in the FICAC Commissioner

The Fijian Elections Office (FEO) has lodged a complaint to the President against Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC)Commissioner, Rashmi Aslam, for failing to declare a conflict of interest he may have with former Supervisor of Election Mohammed Saneem. “It is obvious from this conflict of interest that FEO’s complaint against Saneem could be compromised and this is evident when...

Fiji PM Rabuka speaks to the Micronesian President’s – Pacific solidarity reaffirmed

Reuniting the Pacific family's solidarity through the “Pacific way of leadership” was demonstrated Monday through open discussions convened by the Prime Minister and Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, Sitiveni Rabuka with the Micronesian leaders at the Micronesian Presidents' Summit (MPS) Prime Minister Rabuka delivered a powerful statement on “Pacific solidarity” while joining the leaders via virtual mode for the...

French Senate committee questions Indo-Pacific Strategy

By Nic Maclellan The French Senate in Paris has issued a report sharply critiquing France’s official Indo-Pacific Strategy, highlighting the lack of capacity of French military forces deployed in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The report from the Senate Foreign Affairs, Armed Forces and Defence Committee questions the gulf between rhetoric and reality in Indo-Pacific policy. The report says “our...

Cyclone Gabrielle: National state of emergency declared in NZ

A national state of emergency has been declared in New Zealand, after a night of extreme weather which left towns cut off across the North Island. Minister for Emergency Management Kieran McAnulty declared a national state of emergency on Tuesday. It was only the third time a New Zealand Government had declared a national state of emergency. The previous declarations came...

Vanuatu PM visit Australia

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will welcome the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, Ishmael Kalsakau, and Madame Ellene Kalsakau to Australia from 14 - 16 February. Australia and Vanuatu are strong partners based on a shared commitment to a prosperous, peaceful, resilient region. This will be the first official visit to Australia by a Prime Minister of the Republic...

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