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Samoa PM Fiame opens 4th Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change Conference

Samoa’s Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, has officially opened the fourth iteration of the Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change Conference (POPCCC), reminding that Pacific communities are already amongst the worst affected by the escalating climate change crisis. “For Pacific countries, this is already their lived reality,” she said. Prime Minister Fiame delivered the keynote address at the National University of Samoa...

World Rugby and Capgemini announce the next cohort of 25 scholars to take part in the Capgemini Women in Rugby Leadership Programme

World Rugby and Capgemini are delighted to announce the 25 inspiring female leaders from around the world that will participate in the Capgemini Women in Rugby Leadership Programme in 2024 and 2025, driving visibility of female leaders from within the rugby family and helping to accelerate the development of the women and girls’ game, on the road to Women’s...

Fijian Drua coach Byrne temped to use same lineup

Fijian Drua head coach Mick Byrne is expected to make minimal changes when he names his side for their Super Rugby Pacific clash with the Highlanders in Dunedin. Speaking to FBC Sports, Byrne said he’s tempted to keep the same starting 15 that played last week. However, there’s expected to be a new inside centre as rookie Waqa Nalaga is still...

Fiji Opposition leader Seruiratu urges Australia to slow fossil fuel output

Fiji’s Opposition leader Inia Seruiratu says Fiji should also be able to raise concerns about some of Australia’s decisions such as its ongoing production of fossil fuel and its labour laws. Responding to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s statement on the Vuvale Partnership with Australia, Seruiratu highlighted the need for Fiji to discuss these concerning issues with its Trans-Tasman partner. Seruiratu said...

PNG Opposition: Vote of no confidence still alive

It is up to Pangu Pati to remain intact, says Social Democratic Party leader Powes Parkop, as a vote of no confidence looms at the next sitting of Papua New Guinea Parliament due next Tuesday. Parkop, who is also National Capital District governor, says that his party has a coalition agreement with Pangu and would continue to respect and honour...

Rediscovering the lost Kulawai: Fiji’s effort to save a vanishing bird

In the lush forests of Fiji, the Red-throated Lorikeet (Charmosyna amabilis), known locally as the ‘Kulawai’, was once a familiar sight. This small, shy bird, easily distinguished by its striking red throat and vibrant green plumage, flitted among the islands of Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, Ovalau, and Taveuni. But today, this bird is critically endangered, perhaps even extinct, and efforts to...

Human rights vetting urged for Fiji defence treaty

A defence treaty between Australia and Fiji should include vetting processes for human rights violations, a parliamentary committee has been told. The agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Defence and the Status of Visiting Forces, signed in September 2019, seeks to improve the ability of the two nations' militaries to work together. It also sets out a legal framework for...

Indonesian President Widodo keen to step up cooperation with Fiji

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pushed for the intensification of mutually beneficial cooperation between Indonesia and Fiji during a bilateral meeting with the President of Fiji, Williame Maivalili Katonivere, in Bali on Monday. The bilateral meeting took place on the sidelines of the 10th World Water Forum, according to a press release issued by the Presidential Secretariat in Jakarta. “As a...

Fiji HIV crisis: Alarm over blood sharing to get meth high

Fiji has asked the United Nations for help with a surge in HIV and AIDS cases, fuelled by the country's spiralling methamphetamine trade. At Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka's request, UNAIDS Regional Director to Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe Central Asia Eamonn Murphy has just been in Fiji, holding crisis talks with top government and health officials. In an exclusive interview with...

New Caledonia: French President Macron calls further security meeting as deadly unrest grinds on

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has called a meeting of his defence and security council to discuss the deadly unrest in the Pacific territory of New Caledonia. It is the third such meeting in less than a week, the previous two having resulted in the decision to declare a state of emergency in the French territory and then to send...

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60 days and counting – Forum SG Waqa, Tonga PM discuss PIFLM53

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Political deadlock frustrates Bougainville’s aspirations of independence

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Climate and humanitarian actors must work together: ECOSOC

The climate crisis and the humanitarian crisis are “two in one,” said Emeline Siale Ilolahia, Executive Director of the Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental...