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Fiji reports 274 new cases of COVID-19; Expect next wave of virus in coming...

Fiji has reported 274 positive cases of COVID-19 Wednesday and Fijians should expect the next wave of the virus to arrive in four to...

Convene Samoa Parliament as per ruling: NZ Foreign Minister

New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta has urged Samoa to convene Parliament following a Supreme Court ruling early in the week that ordered...

ADB launches digital health guide for Pacific

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) today launched its first guide to investing in digital health information systems for those working in the Pacific health...

Vaccines an injection of hope for Pacific

By Kishti Sen & Tom Kenny The COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Pacific islands has so far exceeded expectations in positive news for the...

No Government shutdown: Samoa caretaker PM

Samoa caretaker Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi has assured the public in a special address Tuesday that there will not be a shutdown of...

Virus outbreak in Fiji batters economy, tests health system

A growing coronavirus outbreak in Fiji is stretching the health system and devastating the economy. It has even prompted the government to offer jobless people...

FAST leader accepts Samoa Supreme Court decision

The Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi – FAST party leader, Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa has embraced the Supreme Court decision delivered Monday. Mata’afa told...

Vanuatu PM wins confidence vote

Vanuatu's prime minister Bob Loughman has defeated a motion of no confidence against him in Parliament this morning. The motion was deposited by the opposition...

Region’s COVID approach on track: Puna

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary-General Henry Puna says he has no concerns over how quickly national authorities across the Pacific are running their mass...

Rugby sevens pools announced for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

The pools for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic rugby sevens competitions have been confirmed as players, teams and fans countdown to the kick-off at Tokyo...

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SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

The roadmap towards achieving resilient prosperity for small island States adopted on Thursday in Antigua and Barbuda “marks the beginning of a new journey”...

Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

As a regional group, the voice of our Pacific Small Islands Developing States resonated across the Fourth International Conference on Small Islands Developing States...

Macron’s handling of New Caledonia is not working, we need a new way

New Caledonia needs a new referendum on independence, not more politics from Paris By Jimmy Naouna The unrest that has gripped Kanaky-New Caledonia is the direct...