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Test of ‘Samoa Agreement’ is any future changes made by 2050 Strategy implementation plan: Forum SG

Forum Secretary General Henry Puna says the test of the ‘Samoa Agreement’ is in its implementation and flexibility to incorporate, adjust and realign to any future changes made by our 2050 Strategy Implementation Plan. “We are at an important juncture of our relationships with the OACPS as the Members collectively execute the revised Georgetown Agreement that installs the ACP Group...

Ocean Commissioner pleads for strong leadership and governance

By Elenoa Dimaira The Pacific Ocean Commissioner, Dr Filimon Manoni has pleaded for strong leadership and governance, backed by sound policy, science and traditional knowledge in the management of our ocean. Speaking at the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management, which began yesterday in Nadi, Fiji, the commissioner said he would “solicit” Forum Leaders commitment...

More than 200 Ocean Stewards Attend 1st Regional Ocean Conference

The Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management was opened Monday in Nadi with around 200 delegates from across the region and the world attending. In his keynote address, Pacific Ocean Commissioner Dr Filimon Manoni said that the conference is an important one where participants will be able to share and discuss over the course of the week...

Hidden ocean acidification threatens the Pacific. Now there’s a plan to stop ‘flying blind’

For generations, the people of Fiji have built their lives around the country's rich coral reef ecosystems. The ocean provides sustenance, while the dazzling marine life brings tourists from around the world. But climate change is threatening this way of life. Sea level rise is forcing coastal villages to relocate, with many more in peril. More frequent natural disasters have taken lives and...

Motion to remove Vanuatu Speaker expected next week

The Office of the Vanuatu Speaker of Parliament has confirmed that there will be no Extraordinary Session of Parliament before 20 September. The Speaker’s Office said the government’s motion to dethrone the current Speaker of Parliament, Seoule Simeon, is an ordinary motion and not a motion of no confidence against a Prime Minister (PM). They explained that an ordinary motion needs...

Small islands slam ‘endless’ climate talks at landmark maritime court hearing

The heads of small island states most vulnerable to climate change have criticised “endless” climate change negotiations at the start of an unprecedented maritime court hearing. During the opening of a two-week meeting in Hamburg to clarify state duties to protect the marine environment, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston Browne told the International Tribunal for the Law of...

Solomon Islands implements landmark ban on single-use Plastics

It’s the dawn of a new era in Solomon Islands as the country officially gazetted a regulation to ban certain types of single-use plastics. Starting from 01 September, the import, manufacture, distribution, supply and sale of plastic shopping bags, plastic straws, cups, plates and cutleries, polystyrene takeaway products and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles for drinking water that can contain less...

Tonga’s no confidence vote against PM spotlights political fracture

Lines of party and political allegiances in Tonga's parliament appear to have shifted in the wake of a failed vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni. The motion, submitted by MP 'Aisake Eke, made 46 allegations against the prime minister accusing him of corruption, mismanagement and not fulfilling development promises. The government's relationship with Tonga's only domestic airline...

Stop calling people ‘climate refugees’

By Kalia Ruth Barkai Despite the rejection of the term “climate refugee” by the United Nations refugee agency, and the International Organisation on Migration (IOM), the term persists in popular media. On Wednesday, the phrase was even added to Dictionary.com. At first glance, the growing informal use of the term might look like a shift towards recognising and protecting populations displaced...

“Hold your heads high”, Flying Fijians told

“Hold your heads high”. This was the message by the President Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere to the Flying Fijians team after their 32-26 loss to Wales in the Rugby World Cup 2023 group stages. President Katonivere said the team played a hard fought game and he was proud of their performance. “This is just the first game, do not give up, because...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

Several international human rights organisations have expressed grave concern over recent discussions in Tonga's Parliament suggesting the extension of the death penalty to drug-related...

Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

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AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...