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‘When Pacific region pulls together, the world listens’

Australian scientist Dr Kelly Strzepek, Tuesday emphasised the importance of having the Pacific region make the decision on how to conduct energy transition. “We no longer speak of just greening our networks,” she said. “We speak of a transition…away from fossil fuels. Because at this moment in time, if we don’t set a new course, we are committing to a truly...

U.S Ambassador says interest in the Pacific transcends the U.S and China

The United States Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa says the potential for growth in the Pacific is the driving force behind global interest in the region. Recently President Joe Biden met with Pacific leaders at the White House, where the geopolitical powerhouse offered additional economic aid in the hopes of competing with the growing Chinese presence in the region. U.S...

Samoa Agreement to be signed in Samoa in November: New EU Ambassador to Fiji

The new Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to the Pacific, Barbara Plinkert presented her credentials to the President of Fiji, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, at a State House ceremony today. On this occasion, Ambassador Plinkert stressed the importance of the EU's relationship with Fiji: “I accept with great pleasure and honour this new posting to your beautiful country. The European...

Pacific nations unite in a determined effort to combat Plastic Pollution

In a resounding call to action, Pacific Ocean Commissioner, Dr Filimon Manoni, has united Pacific nations to address the escalating crisis of plastic pollution in our ocean. Speaking at the Regional Symposium on Plastic Pollution in Suva, Dr Manoni emphasised the profound impact of plastic waste revealing that every year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced and about 40...

Australia to help finance Tonga port as climate worsens Pacific infrastructure gap

Australia said it will grant AUD$31 million (US$20 million) to Tonga to complete a vital port upgrade, boosting funds from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), as Canberra focuses on building climate resilient infrastructure. The Pacific Islands region faces an infrastructure investment deficit of US$12 billion through to 2030 as climate shocks including cyclones, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions damage roads, ports...

Cook Islands social protection policy has been in place since the 1960s

The Pacific Island nation of Cook Islands, with just over 17,000 population, has one of the most comprehensive social protection policy in the Asia Pacific region. It has been in place since the 1960s – where successive governments have ensured that its poor, vulnerable and children are taken care of. Anne Herman, the island nation’s secretary for internal affairs attributed...

COVID19 exposed vulnerabilities in social protection systems in the Asia Pacific region

The COVI19 pandemic has reshaped the world exposing vulnerabilities in social protection systems – forcing governments to re-evaluate the impacts on their citizens, particularly the vulnerable and marginalised communities. Asian Development Bank’s Vice President (Sectors and Themes), Fatima Yasmin said the events of the last few years have highlighted the critical need for social protection – and the importance of...

NZ government ‘welcomes’ U.S diplomatic relations with Cook Islands and Niue

The New Zealand government has given its full blessing to Cook Islands and Niue establishing diplomatic relations with the United States. At the U.S-Pacific summit on Monday (Washington time), President Joe Biden said he recognises the two island nations as sovereign and independent states, an announcement which the US Embassy in Aotearoa has labelled as “historic”. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said...

U.S weighs stationing Patriot air defence systems in Palau

The U.S and Palau are discussing the permanent deployment of advanced missile defense systems in the Pacific island nation, Palau President Surangel Whipps said part of Washington’s efforts to check China's influence in the region. The revelation of talks over missile defence systems comes as U.S President Joe Biden host a second summit with Pacific island leaders at the White...

Mastercard and partners launch new mobile payment acceptance solution to unlock the potential of women entrepreneurs in Fiji

Women-led micro and small business owners in Fiji are celebrating the launch of digital mobile payment platform DUAPAY, following a successful 12-month pilot. Developed in collaboration with Mastercard, Fintech Pacific and international development organisation, ygap, in partnership with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Business Partnerships Platform (BPP), DUAPAY is now available to small business owners who have...

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