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Four Pacific Leaders not attending the Leaders Meeting in Cook Islands

Four Pacific leaders will not be attending this year’s 52 Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting, which officially opens this evening in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. This was confirmed by Forum Deputy Secretary General Esala Naayasi during the press briefing in Rarotonga. The four leaders are James Marape of Papua New Guinea, Manasseh Sogavare of Solomon Islands, Charlot Salwai of Vanuatu and New...

U.S and China urged not to bring their rivalry to the Pacific: Forum Chair Brown

Pacific Islands Forum chair and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown has launched a broadside against the United States and China, urging them not to bring adversarial competition to the Pacific stating the Pacific is a ‘region of collaboration’ not for competition. Brown made the powerful statement in Rarotonga as the island nation prepares to host the annual Pacific Forum...

Pacific advocacy to get the world back on track for a 1.5 net zero future

Pacific countries will advocate to get the World back on track for a 1.5 net zero future at the upcoming COP28 climate change negotiations to be held later this month in the United Arab Emirates(UAE), says Forum Secretary General, Henry Puna. “For all of us, today marks another milestone related to a topic close to all our people – climate...

Café operators brewing up for Pacific Islands Forum

Café operators surrounding the venue for a Pacific Islands Forum gathering at the National Auditorium are anticipating patron numbers will reach those of peak tourism season during the event. With more than 500 Pacific leaders and delegates converging on the Cook Islands for the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting next week, the event is “good timing” for a hospitality...

Forum wants action on climate finance and Loss and Damage

By Nic Maclellan in Rarotonga, Cook Islands As the region faces an El Nino summer and Vanuatu reels from the devastation of Cyclone Lola – the third Category 5 cyclone to hit the nation in seven months – it’s no surprise that climate change is high on the agenda at this year’s Pacific Islands Forum. Prime Ministers and Presidents from...

Australia’s bid to host climate talks is welcome but its words must be matched with action

By Ralph Regenvanu The Pacific Islands Forum this week will bring together nations who share what we call the Blue Pacific Continent, stretching from the hundreds of islands and atolls of Micronesia in the North all the way down to the Alpine like conditions of New Zealand’s Southern tip. Together, we are custodians of almost a fifth of the earth’s...

Cook Islands ready to host 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting

The Cook Islands is ready for the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting which starts on Monday, 06 - 10 November in Rarotonga. The host country expects 500 delegates, dialogue partners, civil society partners and media to attend the week-long meeting. The Cook Islands Prime Minister, Mark Brown wrote on his Facebook "Security is in place as I meet with the...

Adeang’s elevation to Nauru presidency brings concerns

The elevation of long time Nauru politician David Adeang to the country's presidency is raising concerns in a number of areas. Adeang has become Nauru's fourth president in the past four years after winning election on Monday following the removal of Russell Kun in a vote of no confidence last week. His 22 years in parliament has seen him involved in...

Nauru leader’s ouster more about domestic issues than China: Source

Former Nauru President Russ Joseph Kun's ouster in a vote of no confidence was mainly due to “complicated domestic political disputes” despite the initiators of the motion being "China-friendly," an unnamed diplomatic source told reporters in Taiwan Tuesday. The source made the remarks after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Monday congratulated David Adeang after the senior Nauru parliamentarian...

‘It’s just how life is here’: Vanuatu’s children devastated as cyclone season returns

Tropical Cyclone Lola has claimed at least two lives – one of them a pregnant woman – and caused widespread damage to hundreds of homes, schools, and food gardens in Vanuatu, the government said on Tuesday. More than 15,000 students have been impacted, the government said, with the category 5 super storm destroying classrooms across Ambae, Maewo and Pentecost islands. Vanuatu...

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