It is a dream come true for the Samoa Weightlifting Federation after they were given the green light to build the Oceania Weightlifting Institute in Samoa this year.

President Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork made the announcement during a press conference at the Ministry of Sports and Recreation, Tuanaimato.

“We are happy to announce that Samoa will be the home of the Oceania Weightlifting Institute. The Weightlifting Institute will be certified by the International Weightlifting Federation, International Olympic Committee, and Oceania Weightlifting Federation,” he said.

“It will be an official centre for all coaches to get their coaching license which is compulsory now in international competitions. Also for all referees to get their grade certificates.

“And lastly, for elite level training for our continent and the whole world. Since it is now a recognised IWF and IOC training institute, many countries will send their teams to train in Samoa. The training programs will be led by Samoa.”

Tuaopepe believes that this is a great initiative for the lifters and also for Samoa’s economy. There will be a lot of lifters, coaches and referees coming to Samoa for training.

Minister of Sports and Recreation Laumatiamanu Ringo Purcell congratulated the weightlifting team for their hard work and efforts.

“On behalf of the Prime Minister and our Government, we would like to express our gratitude towards our Samoa Weightlifting team for a job well done at the Commonwealth Championship. We have witnessed all that you have done, you’ve returned with eight gold medals, one silver and one bronze with only nine participants,” he said.

“I also want to congratulate you Tuaopepe for your efforts in pushing for Samoa to be the home of the new training centre or institute.”

The Minister also clarified that the Ministry’s rewards for athletes do not count qualifying competitions. It is only eligible for the Pacific Games, Commonwealth Games, and the Olympics.

The institute will be built at the home of Samoa Weightlifting at Tuanaimato.

Meanwhile all the nine weightlifters who participated in the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships in Fiji have qualified for the 2026 Commonwealth Games.