Papua New Guinea Opposition has announced the appointment of its shadow Cabinet and minister in a press statement.
The Opposition, in statement said this is important as it highlights the importance it provides in the country’s democratic functioning.
Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa, while making this announcement said in accordance with keeping the Government to account, our shadow cabinet follows Parliamentary conventions to ensure we have concurrent oversight of the National Executive Council for accountability and transparency sake.
Douglas said although the shadow ministers are not fully fledged ministers it will aim to provide alternative policies on the ministries, they are responsible for keeping the ministers in check on providing solutions to them for possible implementation.
“I remind the country that like all Westminster systems of democracy, our shadow ministers take direct precedence after our ministers. We are their alternative so please assess us against them,’’ Douglas said.
Tomuriesa also reminded the Government and Parliament of the importance of adequately funding the Opposition to carry out its duties to ensure a robust system of government.
“We are also tasked to perform, and pledge not to take our positions for granted. We are the Alternative Government so we will carry out our duties with diligence, seriousness, and integrity as if we were the Cabinet.
“We are here to lead, here to serve, and here to provide solutions. We will do this regardless of whether the Government chooses to listen or not.
Tomuriesa said the Opposition continues to welcome and appreciate all the support being shown by the public in their effort to Save PNG.
“So, I congratulate all our shadow ministers and look forward to providing alternatives for our great nation,” he said.
Douglas Tomuriesa, Leader of the Opposition, State Enterprises, Forestry, Community Development, Religion, Youth, Information and Communication, Technology Tourism, Arts and Culture.
James Nomane, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Treasury Finance and Implementation.
Sir Puka Temu,Lands, Physical Planning and Urbanisation, Bougainville Affairs, Public Affairs
Belden Namah, Defence, Foreign Affairs.
Ricky Morris, Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs, Fisheries and Marine Resources.
James Donald, Mining Environment, Conservation and Climate Change.
Kerenga Kua, Petroleum and Energy, International Trade and Investments.
Johnson Wapunai, Internal Security, Health.
David Arore, Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Sports Education.
Keith Iduhu, Justice and Attorney General, Commerce and Industry, National Planning
Maso Hewabi, Works and Highways Coffee.
William Hagahuno, Agriculture.
Sam Basil Jnr, Civil Aviation and Transport.
Peter O’Neill, Housing Labour and Immigration, Oil Palm.