Palau urges the rest of the world to resist deep-sea mining activities


Palau’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations advocated for the moratorium on deep sea mining saying there is “insufficient scientific information’ to ensure protect of the marine environment.

Representatives of the UN representative of Palau attended the 28th Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Jamaica where they urged other nations to stop any attempt of deep-sea mining.

Charles Reklai Mitchell, Counsellor of the Palau UN mission in his remarks said nations should resist any attempts of deep sea mining to go ahead with the risky action at the expense pf the environment.

“Action must be taken to ensure that the ISA is set on a firm pathway towards a moratorium, precautionary pause or prohibition, to prevent the undertaking of deep-sea mining from going ahead without a concrete understanding of who and what will be affected in the short and long term of the proposed activities,” he said.

He said most nations have already made their position known about deep sea mining from COP, CBD COP in Montreal and the BBNJ.

“Effectively, we are asking all of us, as members of this esteemed body, to resist the siren song of industry, which promises billions of quick dollars, but at the risk and expense of our environment, as well as aspects of intergenerational equity and the rights of future generations,” he added.

The ISA is set to accept applications for industrial-scale deep-sea mining in Pacific waters in July.

In an interview with Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) last week, President Surangel Whipps Jr. said deep sea mining should be suspended until at least 2030.

“The ocean for us is life. We depend on it for sustenance, we depend on it for our economy – without it, we would not be able to survive,” he told ABC.

“Whether they’re dredging it or clawing at the bottom and the plumes that would create, how would that affect our tuna fish stocks, the sharks, the most important resources that we have?

“It’s alarming, it’s reckless. As leaders and business leaders, don’t let greed lead to what could be the worst disaster that we could face,” he said.