Lakapi Samoa is trying to secure much-needed funding to keep operations normal and has revised the national 15s tournament to sustain it.

The Chief Executive Officer for Lakapi Samoa Faleomavaega Vincent Fepuleai said Lakapi Samoa is engaging with the government, sponsors, and stakeholders for support.

“Lakapi Samoa has been engaging over the last six months with an external commercial entity on various commercial propositions to secure much-needed grants and funding to support the union’s programs over the next four-year cycle and beyond” he said.

“This also includes engagements with our Government, local Sponsors and stakeholders.

“Lakapi Samoa remains committed to our current partners to support our domestic 7s and 15s tournaments as the key to the future of our rugby. Our aim for our local players is to develop and expose them so they can get a professional contract overseas that benefits them financially and hope they choose to come back and give something back through our national team when selected.

“The union is currently engaging with our sub-unions on a revised national 15s tournament that is fit for purpose and financially sustainable but also achieves the Union’s goal of getting more locals into the Moana Pasifika Franchise and in the Manu Samoa teams.”

He also mentioned that in most team sports expenditure has increased considerably and it was very expensive to run a rugby team.

According to Faleomavaega, most local clubs and sub-unions are struggling financially. A full team kit costs around $6,000(US$2,179) upwards and if a village or local club has two teams, then upfront the costs of playing apparel would be $12,000 to $15,000(US$4,363 – US$5,453) before other costs kick in.

“We commend the committed volunteers who continue to support their local teams as they endure the burden of these costs. Despite these challenges, Lakapi Samoa with our limited resources helps out with technical support to officiate and oversee rugby tournaments across the Country from Schools up to Club and Provincial level,” he said.