Governor for West New Britain and spokesman for the defected PANGU MPs, Sasindran Muthuvel says the Crown camp of likeminded leaders are ready for the Papua New Guinea Parliament sitting this week and expects normal procedures to take place.

Muthuvel said on Wednesday this week, the Private Business Committee (PBC) will be deliberate on the rectified motion of no confidence in Prime Minister James Marape filed on 29 May 2024, which was presented to Speaker Job Pomat last Wednesday afternoon by Leader of the Opposition Douglas Tomuriesa.

Muthuvel said: “As noted by Speaker Pomat last Wednesday, the committee was satisfied that we met four out of five requirements in the previous motion, however the only issue was the omission of one of the 12 signatories.

“Upon submitting the fresh motion which rectified the omission, Deputy Speaker Koni Iguan, who presided over the rest of the Wednesday afternoon sitting, also informed Parliament that the Speaker had received a new notice of motion of no confidence from the Opposition.

“Given that the Speaker had received the new notice firsthand, and the Deputy Speaker announced receipt of this notice on the floor, we expect the Private Business Committee to simply ensure that the final requirement was indeed met.”

Muthuvel added that the alternative team appreciated the due diligence, transparency and impartiality Speaker Pomat has displayed throughout the sittings thus far.

“Credit must be given to Speaker Pomat who has given this process the respect and fairness that it deserves.

“His efforts to publicly explain to both the house and the people of Papua New Guinea about the vote of no confidence, its processes and the requirements prescribed by law, standing orders and standing case authorities on point is highly commended.

“It was on the first sitting last Tuesday where Pomat informed the house that Parliament will be sitting for at least two weeks, giving the Opposition a chance to file its motion within this period.

“We now look forward to the outcome of the PBC and contributing meaningfully to normal Parliament business this week,” said Muthuvel said.

Meanwhile, Muthuvel says Opposition is not a sin but the country’s alternate.

Muthuvel said this because most MPs say they should not be in the Opposition but in Government.

“It is okay to be in government because you need to provide alternatives,” Muthuvel said.

“In the Westminster System, being in Government or the Opposition holds equal status in the house.

MPs on both sides should have the same capabilities to serve their districts/provinces, provide services, and ensure overall development in the country.

“However, we know this is not the case here in PNG,” he said.

“Why are MPs scared to move to the Opposition or treat it like a sin?

“We all know in PNG moving to the Opposition is like a prisoner on death row and the only way to seek a pardon is to join or rejoin Government.

“In the past five years, three Opposition Leaders moved to Government to be a Minister in Government or promised to be one.

“The next Government must ensure to fund the Opposition regardless of the implications it might have on their tenure,” he said.

“A strong Opposition equals a strong Government. When we have a silent Opposition, we have a loud Government making unnecessary noise that all is well.

“Many in PNG believe that being on the Government side equates to prosperity for their districts, while the Opposition invites Governmental retribution: lack of funding, halted development projects, and heightened scrutiny. This mentality fuels discrimination against Opposition members, weakening democratic governance by stifling constructive criticism and innovation.

Equating success solely with access to funds promotes corruption and malpractice.

Leaders should have a heart for everyone, should treat all equally, and shares the nation’s wealth fairly across all provinces and districts irrespective of their seats in Parliament.

A PM candidate should be neutral and treat everyone equally and more importantly shouldn’t be region-specific.

“Only by fostering an environment where the Opposition is respected, can PNG hope to build a transparent and effective governance system.

“To the MPs in Government, the Opposition is not a death sentence, nor should it be.

“if you believe it is or you’re told so by your colleagues, well therein lies the issue,” Muthuvel said.