The Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian says Pacific people have the conscience to discern who is helping and who is taking advantage of them.

The Ambassador was asked about China’s intentions in the region and if the so-called claim of its geopolitical competition alongside others with the likes of Australia and New Zealand is true.

Jian, in response, said China has been around for a long time and what they have done speaks volume.

The Chinese Ambassador has set aside claims of geopolitical competition by China in the region, labeling it as misrepresentation.

“I can confirm with you that China has no intention, no interests for such geopolitical intentions, not in the past, not in the future.”

Jian said hina believes the Pacific is a region for peace and cooperation.

“I hope and I believe Pacific Island countries should be a place for cooperation instead of an arena for geopolitical competition. Let’s join hands together to help.”

He states China is all about competing in matters that benefit the citizens of the Pacific.

“Some people say let’s compete with China. Ok, let’s compete in areas to help, we should compete who will help Pacific Islands countries more, who will provide more infrastructure to the people, who will provide more assistance to the people, who can help the local people out of poverty. If we really have to compete, please we compete in these area.”

The Ambassador reiterated there was no such thing as geopolitical intentions by China when building infrastructure to better the lives of people in the region.

He said China’s cooperation with the Pacific should not be viewed from a narrow perspective.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Northern Uraia Rainima says China’s proposed road upgrade development project in Vanualevu will boost economic activities.

Rainima was present at a briefing by the Chinese Embassy in Suva following the completion of the feasibility study on roads in Vanua Levu by infrastructure experts from China.

The Commissioner says the China aid project will benefit resource owners in a big way.

He said the infrastructure challenge is what China will soon address.

“There are so many resources on land and also in the sea that can help the Fijian economy. But our setback, or maybe the challenge we have now, is that we are a little behind in infrastructure development.”

Rainima said this road development project will connect people and also connect resources to markets.

He said tourism in Savusavu is a major area expected to thrive following the completion of the project.

The Commissioner added that there are other priorities in Vanua Levu that they hope to work closely with partners like China to achieve.

The Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian, assured that China will stand ready to offer its support, particularly in infrastructure development.